Saturday, February 26, 2011

So last Wednesday, Grandma Bishop flew into town. The weather was nice the whole visit with the exception of a few minutes of spitting rain on Monday, and the snow falling on Tuesday the day she flew home. The boys thoroughly enjoyed the visit, and as always Caleb was very sad and almost tearful when I told him it was the last day. They did enjoy playing on her iphone all the games that she could find, playing games on the computer, having "movie nights", visiting for the first time the hispanic food/bakery store on main street in Monroe, the St. Vincent store where books were gathered for the reading times (as well as clothing for Nathan), going to the park where California Warm Grandma braved the brisk day and sunshine, and the Children's Musuem on their family free night. The boys did not have school Friday or Monday, so there was plenty of time together and we all wore each other out having fun.

Baby Update: 23 weeks as of 2/25. He is now about 11 1/4 inches and about 1 lb in weight. Kicking alot, but really he's turning into a night owl or late afternoon active guy. Caleb and Josh are just starting to be able to feel the kicking, but their trouble is a lack of patience... they don't hold still long enough to feel the difference between my breathing and heartbeat and the actual kicks because the kicks aren't strong enough to be undeniable (or later, visually seen). It's like waiting for lighting to strike and having your hand in the right place at the right time and waiting for it... they don't wait. I haven't been out walking with the weather and Grandma Bishop in town, but it's time to start getting back into the habit no matter how much or where it hurts. I'm tired alot, but if I walk in the mornings after dropping off the boys at school, I'm positively falling asleep in the middle of things by the afternoon. The boys keep asking when it is time, how much longer. And of course, the famous.... "is the baby naked inside?" I'm still only barely showing, most people I come in contact with don't know until I tell them, but being obviously pregnant is just around the corner I'm sure. Maybe then the new tube toppped pregnancy jeans won't just slide off my hips with an actual belly to keep them up. Next Doctor's appointment is 3/9.

This week, Josh only attended school on Wednesday. With the school delays 2 hours late for Thursday and Friday, Friday school was cancelled for Jockey. Caleb and Josh were sure that Wednesday would be a snow day, so they "camped" with blankets and sleeping bags on the floor at the end of our bed. But that was a normal day of school. Thursday, we slept in and still got Caleb to school. Friday, it was beautiful sunny and brilliant blue skies and DRY roads in the Fryelands... so we were a bit stunned to find that school was 2 hours late when we went to drop off Caleb at the normal time... it delayed out day a bit, but still a good day. (The boys were excited that that meant time to pick up "megamind" at Redbox, not so much the other errands I had to run with them.) Awana was also cancelled this week because of the expect snow fall Wednesday night. Honestly, when it was all said and done, I think the Fryelands (where our house is located) got the least of it like the eye of a storm... everyone else had 4-6 inches and we had a sparse covering that just melted off by 10Am. Oh well, too many snow days will delay Caleb's last day of school, which affects baby delivery/school drop off/pick up logistics.

Mike will be having knee surgery about 11:15ish (drop off/check in time) on Tuesday 3/1. They are presuming an orthoscopic surgery, but are prepared for a full incision if it look like they have to resculpt or dimple the bone or possible pin placement if the "micro facture" is bad enough. He is expecting to spend 48 hours off of it completely except the restroom runs, and then begin working on moving and strengthening it; they told him he'd be ready for "Strenuous" activity by 6 weeks out. This injury however, has pulled him out of the Fire Academy because of their physical requirements. However, we've landed on a back up plan, an EMT class begins March 23 and goes through June 29th. It will be WAY less strenuous (especially for the first couple "book work" weeks) and something he can work up to for the ride-alongs and ER service hours he'll have to put in. He will graduate having taking the State exam certifying him as an EMT, just a great skill and program to have completed and have in his bag of knowledge/tricks.

This weekend and coming week:
I expect to blessedly use a 40% off coupon at Ben Franklin on a coveted resin for projects I want to do, church, new coupon cycles, normal school days for the boys, two days of work for me, getting into the walking habit again, Mike's surgery and 48 hours of laying around, MOPS Friday, a trip to the huge consignment sale at the Fairgrounds next weekend, and maybe I'd pick up some treat for myself for my March 5th day.

That's all for now folks.

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Krystal, do you need any help this week while Mike is incapacitated and you and your pretty pregnant belly are chasing the boys? Tessa has a fever tonight, but as soon as she's better, I can put myself at your srevice. Bring a meal, maybe?