Saturday, May 07, 2011

So here we are in May...

It's been far too long since an update on what is going on in life here in the Dahl-craziness.

First, Caleb had his parent-teacher conference. It went well, there are a couple areas he could brush up on, but overall he's at grade level and his teacher said (don't know if she says this about all the students) that he is one of her favorites.

The next big highlight.. Spring break. We made it down to the Pacific Science Center for the last Free Entrance Monday for the first 1,000 people. We got in for free after 50 minutes in line. The boys got to touch anything they wanted to, of course their favorites were somewhat predictable... the water current display, the touchable sea life water display and the ball/funnel display. But they gave suitable attention to the "Naked (now you see the attraction) Mole Rats", the Space shuttle capsule, and the sand with wind display. There were several other's that they tried, but these were the highlights. They also enjoying an attempt to play an oversized floor chess game. We were there for 5 hours and used all but 10 minutes of our expensive $10 parking time, which was a better choice than the street parking that still would have cost but would have made up leave multiple times to move the car and cost just as much or more. Still $10 for 3 people for 5 hours, not horrific if this was the perspective.

We visited their new doctor for well child appointments. It turned out that Jockey needed shots, although that wasn't the plan. 5 pokes, 4 vaccines later, he is vaccinated but pretty sure he never wants to go back there again! Even though the doctor has a brindle Cane Corso dog in the office as a distraction.

The weather doesn't always cooperate with us, but when we can we do get to the park. Often I end up with 3 coats/jackets/sweaters and a portable heating pad to stay warm so can watch them play.
We made it to the children's Museum, which is another favorite of theirs. And I'm so grateful to have found a deal that I will redeem in July... a 1 yr Family membership for $38 for Jockey's early birthday present that regularly would have cost $75! I intend to use this extensively during this coming school year when he has all Wednesdays/Fridays off of school and the weather turns for the wetter!

Jockey is spending Thursdays with Grammy and Grandpa Dahl for fun and tennis lessons, and then he comes home Friday morning for school. He likes having this special time, but often just relaxes.

While he is away, that leaves Caleb and I to take advantage of the time alone and do something special. Sometimes it is as simple as a slurpee, and other times it is letting him choose what we eat for dinner, or visiting the park or library or letting him choose what we do... and then on to chores like homework, feeding rabbits, etc. It recently came to my attention that this time means a whole lot more to Caleb than I had thought it meant. I guess it is something that needs to be kept up. His birthday is on a Thursday, so maybe we'll spurge and go "to a restaurant" which is his favorite activity!

We've gotten more into couponing than I thought was possible for our already frugal family. The boys are starting to get the hang of it. We visit the grocery store and they bring me the little blinkie coupons from the little shelf machines etc. And they are starting to understand that we don't buy anything without a coupon. So Jockey asks me one day "Mom, are you going to take your coupons to heaven? I think you should, because there might be something you want to pass less for there." And more recently, while watching the "extreme couponing" show with a woman going into a dumpster for coupons, Caleb asks if I would go into a dumpster for coupons. I told him that if I went into a dumpster right now, I wouldn't get out... He sweetly offered "Mom, after school everyday we can go to a dumpster and I'll jump in and get the coupons for you." We are getting quite a comforting stockpile built up at our house. Things I'm most comforted by: the homeopathic cold medication I was able to take while pregnant during a recent cold, the infant and Children's tylenols and ibprophens for Caleb's late night fevers that spike to 104 without blinking, the free Propel, Fuze, Snapple and Vitamin waters, the 5 Free gallons of milk, and the hard to believe how cheap they were diapers for the coming Nathan baby. Lots more, but those things are what are really comforting, the other things are useful and so convient to just get out of the garage when we run out of garbage bags, tp or detergents.

We visited the Monroe Friends of the Library sale. It was highly useful in getting numerous books for myself, the boys, and even one for Papa Dahl. They were thrilled to get some books, and I was grateful then entire sack only cost $5!

The boys are active, hyper and crazy as ever. We are trying to foster good morals, good actions, and learning (Awana verses, math and reading). We have good days and less than good days. But that is life. The boys are happy over all and liking the weather improving because that equals more days at the park or riding their bikes.

Mike is doing well at the EMT training. He is gone often it seems, but he is at the top of his class about 95% of the time! He studies hard and diligently. He's also back for another round on his seemingly rather successful diet. He works hard to eat as the diet prescribes for the optimal results, but that isn't always easy with 3 other people's eating habits/food requests surrounding him. But with every good day, there is a great result that will help him and the whole family going forward with some rather large goals we have ahead of us.

As for baby news...

As of 5/6 I'm a full 33 weeks. As of the writing of this update, I have 41 days to go until the day of the c-section on June 17th!!! Just 41 days, that seems so much shorter than 6 weeks! And just 41 nights to try to get good sleep before that isn't an option anymore! Baby is about 18 inches long, the majority of birth length, and about 3lbs with the sole task of just adding to that size over the next few weeks. He has fingernails, toenails, eye brows, can hear sound and sense light and dark. At the last check up, he was measuring right on target, with a healthy beat (although lower than usual for him, and explained as a sleeping heart rate.) I have passed my Glucose Tolerance test and praising God that I don't have to poke myself or have a restricted diet for the remaining times. My BP is a little higher at the appointments, but does show recovery during the appointment, so it hasn't been a concern yet to the doctors. I'm monitoring this as home so I can get a fuller picture of what it is overall in case they start waving red flags; bed rest is simply not an option! Lately, Nathan has become a late afternoon/early evening mover, which is way better than the 2AM mover Jockey was and still wanted to be after birth. I have another appointment on 5/17 and then go to weekly appointments after that, sigh. I better start keeping track of the gas/milage for taxes with all those trips. The other things in pregnancy: I've now passed 7 (yes SEVEN) kidney stones and some sand sized granuals. The biggest was 7mm and huge (the one I had surgically removed was 10mm, so not that far off). My doctor said I was brave doing it alone with out medicine... I told her it didn't feel brave crying in Fred Meyers but that I had fooled myself into thinking it was just 3rd trimester Braxton hicks and I should just buck up and get over it because hundreds of other women manage so I should too. Nathan also is sitting very high, which is causing daily heartburn which is not always solved by the OTC remedies that are allowed during pregnancy. And lastly, something that I've finally researched and stumbled upon today, I think that I have SPD, basically a pelvic joint dysfunction where ligaments relax enough to allow joint spreading too much/early and get "out of place" causing extreme, EXTREME pain. No remedy other than birth. But I'm relieved that what I'm experiencing is real (not in my head) and is significant enough it's been given a name. Of course, there's no remedy but birth and the hope that it is corrected after because there are cases where it doesn't go back... Prayer, that's all I can do. But at least I'm not crazy thinking this excuriating pain is "nothing, should be nothing, and just in my head" (coupled with passing stones repeatedly, it has been a very unpleasant few months.) Enough of the complain fest. Nathan is only a short time away. I should be enjoying the time I have without him that allows me time to type LONG blog updates and get caught up on scrapbooking and keep up with Bible study! 41 days! And oddly, that is just 2 days before Father's Day, I guess I just have "holiday" babies.

Hopefully, it won't be so long before another update, but with life as it is, no promises! TTFN

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