Monday, August 01, 2011

This weekend, Saturday, we drove up to Camano Island and dug for clams. It was nice to take the kids on an adventure, but they took the adventure to heart... meaning they explored the beach WAY more than they actually dug/retreived clams. It was tough to keep them on task with the tiny crabs and various cool rocks and starfish to look at. I held, changed and fed Nathan... and took pictures, which are to follow at a later time.

Yesterday, Sunday, I scored some great coupon deals/shopping, and took a nap with Nathan. Mike watched the NFL network and napped.

Later in the evening, it was off to the skate park.

Today, Monday....
I worked briefly, then it was off to the splash park about 2 miles off of HWY 9. Then I told the boys I had a surprise for them. Of course, on the way there, I had to drive by the library and say "we're here" about their surprise to tease them. Then I drove the two blocks to the Snohomish Skate Park that they had never been to before and didn't even know exsisted. They had a good time. Nathan slept when he wasn't eating, and then it was my turn to eat. Picnic in the park. Nice.
Then it was home for a bit of a rest, then bike riding, cleaning the house. When the housework was done... I created with the boys Balloon rockets (toilet paper rolls with balloons on top that shuttle back and forth on a string.)

Tomorrow, I don't know for sure. Last week it was a lot of Skate Park and bowling, I don't know if we'll keep that up, or if we'll try going to a 10 am (YAWN and tough getting out of the house on time) movie. We'll see. I try to get the boys out of the house to 1) burn their energy and 2) prevent the house from becoming a disaster.... Well, #2 is only half effective since things still go on while I'm gone. I take them away from 9:30 AM to 3PM and it is still messy when I get home. sigh. I still keep trying though.

ok. Pictures to follow soon.

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