Friday, March 30, 2007

Good Morning All.

Well, Caleb is adjusting well to preschool. They gave him the best thing possible, in his mind, a little handheld sized plastic toy. He's always been into the small hand sized toys that he can glean onto and form an attachment to... and carry everywhere. It's like he wants to carry around his conversation pieces. Well, this time it was a little "baby" dinosaur that came in a little egg. They learned about dinosaurs this week, and now he is suppose to take care of it, feed it and put it back in the egg for sleeping.
He is having a good time at preschool and every day he rewards me is a run into my arms and a "Mommy, I missed you!" That's reason enough to go to school, forget the other reasons of learning and being around other kids!

He is also doing great at his Awana. He has already earned 2 patches! He was very excited and could hardly wait for me to get them sewn on. Yes, I had a true "mom" moment as I sat down in the evening and sewed his patches on his vest. He's very proud of himself, and I'm glad that he earned them so soon because he was starting to get sad that he hadn't gotten any yet. But he is working hard for them. This last week he learned 3 verses! This week we are going to try for the same number. His Awana book has become our devotion book right before bed. He wants a book read to him to postpone bedtime, and I want him to focus on something... it works.

Caleb, being a true boy is hyper focused on the most funny thing in the world... poop. Since I dont' want to be a mom that that is all they can talk.... I'll just apologize now if at any point I'm speaking to one of you and he grabs the phone and discusses it, in any form... his favorite is "pickled pig ___". I think you would have to ask him or his daddy where he got that from.

Caleb has also come up with some pretty crazy things to say lately. Like Tigger telling him that when Tigger barks he is talking and that the last time Tigger talked Tigger said Caleb was stinky and had to take a shower (and thus I was intruded upon while I was showering.) The other thing Caleb had to say as he bounced on the couch "Stop smelling my bum Tigger, it's not food".

Caleb was one lucky boy yesterday. He got to meet Grammy Dahl and ride a pony... and see Tessa. Caleb, I'm sorry to say, was more interested in the Pony than seeing his cousin. I guess that would make sense in boy world, perhaps it would make sense in a horse-crazy little girl's mind too.

We are all just about recovered from being sick. I started it last Thursday and finally am feeling nearly over it all. Joshy is the last hold out, still having a runny nose. We were going to drive up and visit Great Grandpa Severson, but I decided that we shouldn't risk giving my 93 year old grandpa the flu.

Well, the day that I told Caleb was going to come, has arrived. Joshy has learned to fight back. He has learned how to push and kick and take toys away and give back what he is dealt. He is not quick strong or agile enough to keep his balance all the time, but he tries. Caleb got whacked with a toy in the nose because he tried to take it from Joshy. And then Caleb pushed Joshy very hard and he went down with his mouth open and bit his lip and caused a gusher. He's ok, but they are getting really rough with each other. The best solution I've come up with is Divide and Conquer. I don't like this in principle, we should all learn social skills and getting along... but as a frustrated mommy of two boys who don't stop when asked... it works. The irony is that I just finished a scrapbook page of them holding hands as they were walking in the neighborhood...

Spring is here and I can hardly wait for all the activities that will now be possible to keep the boys busy! We've already done a couple bike rides/walks/strollering this week. It's great. Joshy LOVES the outside, I need the exercise and Caleb burns off some energy while biking. The best of all worlds! Bring on the spring and summer.

Well, spring has brought a bunch of home projects too. So I'm off to do those. See you soon.

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