Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sorry to let so much time go by.

We've had some unexpected snow overnight, and I'm hoping that that won't change the plans for today too much. Schools are 2 hours behind, but I don't think that affect's Caleb's afternoon classes.
Bright and early this morning, Caleb started the day with asking if it was a show and tell day.... sigh. How many times do I have to tell him that THURSDAYS are show and tell and it's the last day he goes to school each week. But he asks about 6 times every day! I admit to getting a little frustrated with the re-answering questions for the zillionth time.

Mike has started questioning Caleb to test his comprehension and listening skills. Ex: " This morning I opened the front door and there was a cat on our porch. Tigger charged after it and picked it up in his mouth and sat at the back of the truck like he wanted to take the cat with us. It was a very big black cat. " Caleb what color was the cat? Caleb's response first was: Was it a real cat? Mike answered that and repeated his own question. Caleb's response.... Orange.
Grrrrrrr. So Mike repeated the story, Caleb got it the THIRD time.
This type of thing happens ALLLLLLL the time. Caleb get your shoes and socks on we are going to leave in a little bit for school. Mom, where are we going? Argh.

He is also asking why. Now on the surface "Why?" should be a pretty normal thing, and curiousity should be a good thing. Except Caleb doesn't ask Why for a greater explanation and understanding of the way the world works, or scientific explanations. I say pick up your toys, he says Why? It's a challenge to my authority as someone to respect and obey in the house. He does that about EVERYTHING. Grrrrr again.

These two things together make for a very frustrating life right now. Especially when on top of it all he is now getting too rough with Jockey and actually punching Josh. For most consquences he receives now, he is starting to flip Mike and I attitude. Not a good thing. Where was the sweet child who was sensitive to others and was just happy to be included in ANY thing we happened to be doing? Now it's all about naked boy parts dancing. I actually had to yell at him to put his boy parts away, stop showing me and flopping it at me because the world was not about his wiener! (We were in the kitchen trying eat at the time.)

Joshy is a typical 2 year old (which is slightly more difficult than one) but he is manageable. I know the stupid things he does is a lack of knowledge. He runs when called to us, and he throws dog food around the family room every other day, and he is a messy eater etc. Normal two year old stuff, but just another layer in an already frustrating day.

Joshy is VERY talkative though. He has lately insisted that he is a Robot. He says I robot as an explanation to various behaviors. We tried to tell him that Robots use the potty. He said no way. He also says Need. It's suppose to be an advanced statement to say I need (versus I want). But it sounds funny when he says I need Candy or Need Nog (as in Egg Nog). Need Nog. But it doesn't sound so funny when he cries when I say No. Joshy is really talking about everything in the cutests voice. I love hearing "mommy, Miss you" when I get back from grocery shopping, or "Brother" as he now refers to Caleb.

We got Ratatouille the movie and both boys are very happy with that. I was surprised that Joshy could actually say Ratatouille. He said it so funny but completely clear.

Well that's it for now. Joshy is going to be picked up for a day with Grammy Dahl. Perhaps I will be able to handle the 4 yr old better when he isn't picking on a 2 yr old today. I'm really starting to feel like a bad mommy when I can't stand the 4 yr old's actions and get upset by them all the time.
I keep thinking that God doesn't give us more than we can handle.... but even He rested on the 7th day.

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