Thursday, May 21, 2009

Just a quick update...

Wow the sun is out and nice.

Ok. Caleb's party went well. Of course next time, I'd say just go go in the pool boys and let the cake and presents figure themselves out later. They were chomping at the bit to get in the pool when I had thought it would be miserable to have dripping wet kids try to watch Caleb open presents. The upside, everyone had fun and there wasn't a huge mess in my house after spending hours getting it immaculate. We had 5 little boys, plus Caleb, Jockey, Tessa, and two other siblings attend. The bouncy house was a nice break from the pool, and the weather couldn't have been better. Pictures to come soon.

I had Jockey's parent teacher conference today. The short story is: He had a marked improvement over the testing the fall. He can count to 14, say most his letters, attempt his name and get 2 of the letters correct, knows the names of his peers, most of his colors, cuts well on a straight line, can conceptually draw a family portrait, etc. However, he is extremely active, difficulty sitting still, easily distracted, stubborn, defiant, and lacks focus. In the words of Daddy, "we build them the same, don't we?" Yup. And the teacher said alot of this behavior is age related, and she was fully and excitedly on board with our plan for another year of preschool and then a year of pre-k after that. She said that was an excellent idea and would benefit him well to enter Kindergarten when he is a fully 6 yrs old because he would have a chance to work through his age related/maturity issues. So he's bright, but a crazy immature loose cannon. It can only get better.

Allergies are hitting us hard here. I feel like I have a whole body flu, and Caleb isn't far behind.

We are leaving town this weekend and headed to Bayview State park nearly to Anacortes but not quite. We wanted to get a reservation and they had an opening. We look forward to good weather, stops at the park, hikes, the farmer's market, shrimp, swimming/bowling, etc. Should be a good time, and Grammy and Papa Dahl, and the Surfaces will be staying in the vicinity too.

So that's it for now because I just don't feel great enough to elaborate.
Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you are having a blast camping! I'm sorry I didn't get back to you when you were in Birch Bay. I was having a rough week with my health. Much better now. We are going camping to Astoria with some friends this August. I'll let you know the dates, maybe you want to come with??? I updated my blog so come check it out and leave a message! Take Care,