Thursday, June 05, 2008

Off to the Dentist.

Caleb just left with Daddy to go to the dentist. I'm entirely, completely, totally nervous. Caleb's fine. He specifically wanted to wear his Batman shirt to show the dentist, he's looking forward to the trinkets he'll get, and he's excited about the castles, arcade games, and movies they've got. I'm very very concerned aobut him. I feel like I've shipped him off to his doom and social ostracization... He'll be coming home without a tooth. He's looking forward to the Toothfairy, of whom he learned about from a boy at preschool. I guess it is a VERY good thing I don't have to take him. I think I would have had to take a tranquilizer just to cope. Caleb would be happy wiht a milkshake.

Also, Caleb has his new short, summer hair cut. He was really excited about it. Hopefully, I won't have to trim it for a couple months and it will be cooler for him to wear when it is hot. I'll have to post pictures later.

Well, off to bargin grocery shop. I'll update on the dentist later.

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Krystal, as a mother to a mother, I completely empathize with you!

Many of Tessa's friends are losing teeth right now. Caleb will not be ostracized, he'll be the COOL kid! Nina was the first to lose a tooth (about 6 months ago, when she turned 5; she's lost two already) and all of the other kids wanted to see and watch her wiggle the loose one etc. Caleb's lucky this happened at this age, because losing teeth is so normal. He's just a smidge ahead of the curve on this one.

Besides, he's so handsome and wonderful, any fool who notices his teeth before they notice his sweetness is just that, a fool.
