Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The school year is almost over and Yellowstone is a blink away.

Today is the last day of school AT the school. It is pajama day. Caleb is very excited about it. Of course, he has chosen footed pajamas which mean I'll have to carry him in because it's raining. (Unless I can convince him to change, or wear boots) Tomorrow is a Picnic at the park... I wonder what we do if it is totally raining? I'd hate to see the last official day bummed out by rain.

And we leave town officially for Yellowstone Saturday night. However, I think the kids and I will get some errands done on Friday and then stay Friday night at the club. The thought was to keep them away until we start on our way to maximize the "nap time" into some quiet driving... we'll see. They are very excited. The Yogi bear Dvd came from Blockbuster and they are loving yogi bear (and all his friends). Jellystone still is a big highlight they are talking about and looking forward to. It was a bit of a "splurge" idea to stay there, not one but two nights, but it is turning out to be a big highlight, as much as the elk and camping itself.

There is so much to do to get ready. It's not just throw in food and clothes and go. It's making sure we have pacifiers, back up pacifiers. The toys that will keep them occupied and interested. It's remembering the phone chargers, the CAMERA! All those little details that will make life "work" and will be a pain if we forget. I have had to do loads and loads of laundry trying to give everyone the best selection to choose from. Overnight lows are in the mid-30's... I don't know about the day times. Which means I have to have lots of warms stuff as well as Summer clothes. Crossing my fingers we'll have space for it all.

So that's it for now, lots of getting ready, planning, buying food, cleaning, pulling out, packing. Yikes. By the time I'm loaded, I'll be ready for a vacation. (and then what do I come back to, sigh, unloading, cleaning, putting away... is there another vacation to recover from the vacation clean up?)

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