Friday, April 10, 2009

How to start a weekend?

Well, we picked up Caleb and headed up to Camano Island to attempt to find clams. I say attempt because that is exactly what we did... attempt. We tried 3 differenct beaches and looked for two others... visited the state park. Really we came back with a bucket of mussels, and a bit of time spent with Great-papa Severson (who is for all of you keeping track... 95, turns 96 this coming New Year's Eve!) He told some great stories: the big Seattle earthquake in '49 that broke the water tank/tower loose from the Fredrick & Nelson building and flooded the store; Big a cook for 3 years and the 3 nights the hookers came in and ordered Omlettes; that it was Watermelon rind (the part between the juice red and the outside green peel) that my Grandmother would pickle; the trailers that they owned; my great aunt Muryt (murt) who loaned them the money for their trailer; how he got his Camano lot for $1000 and his mobile home for $6800 (imagine a whole home for that!!!!) and delivered all the way from near Tacoma for only $75!!! Pardon what might seem uninteresting to you, but I'm writing these stories here and now so that I won't forget them and will be able to tell my sons when I'm older.

So anyway, we cheated a bit and bought clams and came home and ate them with our harvested mussels. Good. Dipped in butter just the way they should be. (P.s. GG Dahl, guess what I found Jockey eating this morning... butter straight from the butter dish as he sat and watched TV!)

We stopped at our church for the Good Friday celebration. VERY unique and very cool. We entered the sanctuary and it was very dim. There were donated/loaned trees & shrubs everywhere. The first stop on the path was a fountain that we were offered the touch and remember that Christ is the Living water that quenches the soul... the second stop was a cross all lit up, but the had huge stamps and we could go up and stamp the cross with the word "FORGIVEN", and then we could enjoy worship songs and then the last stop was a room with communion. Caleb was explained the whole meaning of communion as we listened to the songs and he decided that that was what he wanted to do. So Mike took Caleb to take his first communion. Caleb is very excited about it. While that went on, I took Jockey to the parking lot and he got a hand to bum talking to for disruptive, disrespectful behavior (it's been going on for 3 days now).

Now we are settling in for the night and trying to find a bit of peace and quiet. Tomorrow I work briefly, we have the Egg Hunt and then we will see...
Have a great RESURRECTION Sunday celebration!!!!

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