Wednesday, April 08, 2009

A Pretty Smooth Week

We visited the park twice this week trying to use the weather to the best of it's ability, and it helped the boys run off some energy! They promptly came home, ate lunch and began to play more in the backyard! I remember the times when I even slept outside as a kid, so those days/years must be approaching. They don't care how dirty they get, somehow dirt is just something that happens that Mom and the shower can remedy quickly, and they love the shower too!

Caleb his begun nagging again about his birthday, and it is almost time to actually start planning something. He's got some CRAZY ideas. All red frosting cake, hello, aren't you the kid we try to keep away from food coloring?! Maybe a Homemade Strawberry glazed cake, of course, that would call upon my less than stellar talents of cooking... but if it's what he wants, I can try to impress a 6 yr old once a year. As long as he's happy and it's not expensive. Joshy is even starting to get excited over the friends Caleb is talking about, AND planning his own birthday party too... sigh.

Easter is this weekend. The Egg Hunt is Saturday Morning. Church of course on Sunday. If I can talk myself into taking my children out on Friday, there is a unique walk through experience to commemorate Good Friday and the rest at our church. Mike is craving Clams and wants to drive up and get some. I guess a clam permit can eventually pay for itself in clams, ammoritized over several meals it should become affordable by the end of clam season. I'm sure the kids will love digging them, it's like hunting for buried treasure in a dirty way... dirt, boys, seafood= perfection in their world. I work tomorrow, and briefly on Saturday; Mike works an extra shift Friday morning. I'm hoping the weather cooperates for the egg hunt... And I hope that my kids go forth and hunt with boldness and come back with lots of eggs rather than a basket of full of disappointment.

So that's our week and our coming plans. Hope you all have blessed weekend of rememberance of our saving Lord.

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Krystal, I will be out of town the last weekend in May but I'm selfishly hoping that the party would be the weekend before that as his birthday is mid-week.... If it was, I would volunteer to make any cake you request! :-) I like baking and I've got oodles of recipes - you give me a descriptor and I will do my best to please one soon-to-be-six-year-old boy and that could be part of our present. You can worry about party decorations and stuff instead of cake. :-) Whatcha think?