Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy Tax Day, for those who have completed their forms... and who are getting a refund.

We are one day away from the weekend. Tomorrow we plan to go to the children's museum.

Yesterday, little "speckles" bunny was chosen by a family who lives in Carnation and renamed Taffy. They have two daughters ages 1 and 3. The 3 year old is handicapped and the bunny was selected as the perfect animal to be held and hop around her. Taffy was the name best pronouced by the 3 yr old. The family was delighted that these bunnies had such extensive experience being held by children. They thought that Speckles/Taffy had the most brillant pure white fur and was just so pretty they were attached almost at once.

Today, little "rosie jr/rusty/Lava boy" was selected for his new home. The family has 9 kids from 2 to teeanagers; all of which drove up from Shoreline to pick up their new family addition. They had had 7 other rabbits at various times, each living long lives. They saw the ad on craigslist and thought that Rosie Jr appeared to have an adventurous look. Ironically, Rosie jr actually DOES have a bit of an adventurous trait. It will be a great fit if they are looking for and expecting adventure and independence and that is exactly what he is.

This leaves just 4 bunnies: Darko-boy and PeeWee-girl both solid tortise colors, Lone Star-boy and Shooter jr-girl, broken tortises (color mixed with white).
For each departing rabbit, it is more and more difficult to see the next go. As the pack dwindles, both Caleb and Jockey are having increasing difficulties saying good bye. Caleb said good by to Rosie Jr before school just in case, and true enough, Rosie was gone when Caleb returned. Caleb had to be held for a couple minutes to comfort him because he was missing the bunny already. It makes it easier to know that they are going to good homes, but still a bit sad. With a smaller pack, we are getting a chance to get to know their personalities better and better. Lone Star is quite a licker, literally. He licks and shows affection that way. Darko nearly always has a plump tummy. PeeWee is basically the same size as the rest of the pack, no longer the runt. And Shooter Jr is a sweet cuddler.

Well, that's the tail of only 4 bunnies to go.

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