Thursday, April 01, 2010

It's coming up Easter Weekend.

Jockey is learning about Christ's resurrection at school, and a variety of other Easter-y things Eggs, crafts etc. He loves to play with his friends, and having the extra time for him to play is really terrific. He is doing really well at school. He is a very smart cookie. And he is enjoying his at home school work (not assigned by the school, just something we have.) He surprises me with what he knows or can figure out. He's learning beginning sounds and rhyming.

Jockey-isms... After a baby rabbit scratched him..."The rabbit disciplined me", I can't get over how cute that one is. He's also saying "you are not making me have a good day" when things don't go exactly how he wants. I'm not too hung up on what he is saying, it's not my job to MAKE him have a good day... especially when the reason he's saying that is because we have to leave the playground to pick Caleb up from school. But nevertheless, Jockey is especially verbal in what is going on with him. His shoes don't feel "hard" aka tight enough.

Jockey is concerning me when he says his tummy hurts quite often. Although after his recent illness, he's decided that some medicine tastes good, and now it is hard to distinguish a problem from a fish for sweet medicine. But knowing Jockey as a Mom does, I tell him he needs to take time in the restroom to just sit and try. He tells me he likes to talk to himself in the bathroom (and it's true, he does). I also told him he could take the time to pray too. So that lead to a discussion of taking TIME to p**p and TIME to pray, and if he wanted to do both that was ok. (Heck, both are life skills.)

Caleb is pretty sad that we are going to try to find homes for all the bunnies. (Try, and then see what is left over.) He would like nothing more than to keep them all. His teacher is even considering one; they are hard to resist once you've seen them and we visited his class with a couple last Friday. It was a real good session of show-n-tell. Caleb of course had to explain a bit of the conception... Oh, yeah. A real learning session that day. Something about chasing and going behind a tv and shaking a bum even on the head. Uhm, yeah. That's enough Caleb. The kids really were interested, and I tried to provide true information, food, size, birth appearances. DAILY, multiple times a day I'm asked if they (the boys) can hold baby rabbits. Caleb just had a good time being the center of attention and "in control". Our first born really does have a control issue. Not quite sure if it is truly a problem to solve, or just an immature appearance of a character trait of his final personality.
Caleb is excelling in literacy lab. He's learned more in the last two months than ever before. Mike has taken over homework duties. (It became vastly apparent that I'm not it, from what I was told, too verbal for a visual boy.) Caleb had to read during last week's conference. That was the most reading he has ever done in front of me and the best he's done. I tried to provide huge praise so that he had the confidence to do that at home. He is on level with about have of things, and just on the borderline from getting all the other things. He really is quick at math, he gets it. I'm glad that there is an area of academics that is easier for him so that he is not discouraged by the whole school experience. Although, he still says that the only thing he likes about school is recess. But for such an active, competive, what-to-take charge boy... what could be better but sports.

Easter weekend... maybe find an Egg Hunt somewhere, go to the dentist (me), Easter Service on Sunday. Who knows what else. I like the holiday's meaning, but I'm not stoked into activity over it. It's been a hectic week and it's not over. The boys have Awana tonight, verses to learn today, I help in one of their classes, stay afterward to set up for MOPS tomorrow, then attend MOPS tomorrow and then pick Caleb up from school. It's a full set of days.

Well time to get Caleb off to school. TTFN

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