Monday, April 23, 2007

A few pictures to let you know about our last week:

Tigger went to preschool for pet show and tell day. They liked him because he could jump and because he was cool! They asked a lot of questions about him, more than any other pet we saw there. I'm glad Caleb had a hit. He was very excited, and a little power-tripping about Tigger on leash.

The boys and I took a walk. Joshy walked 90% of a 2 miles walk! I'm hoping for a long afternoon nap.

We made cookies last week, and their favorite part is licking the beaters!
Followed up wisely by a full bath!

And yes, Joshy is finally getting a little hair on top. Even if we have to use gimmicks to see it, like mohawks.

Lastly, just a happy, pleasant picture for you all to enjoy. When on walks, the boys pick weeds and throw rocks, I photograph flowers.Have a great day. Caleb will be going to preschool tomorrow and they have a field trip planned. I'm sure I'll hear all about it and be able to pass the story along.

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