Friday, April 06, 2007

Things that you don't think you'll ever say:

Don't poke the dog with your fork.
Don't touch your brother's [boy parts].

And with the hot, outside weather:

"Why are you naked again? and outside?!"
"Don't feed your brother sand!"
and in response to "mommy, I see poop (in the backyard)"... Well, don't step in it!
"Don't hit your brother with a golf club"

Caleb had another day of preschool, which he enjoyed and came home with more artwork.

At Awana this Wednesday, Caleb earned 2 more patches! YEAH CALEB! He is really doing great and catching up quickly. I'm proud of him, but more importantly, HE is proud of Himself.

Joshy had learned to make some unusual mouth noises, a gurgleing, roll his tongue, trill is the cutest. It's funny because I always wondered if I would have kids tha can do that because I could. I always wonder what traits the kids will pick up.

Joshy spent this last Tuesday with Grammy and Papa Dahl. Caleb said Joshy should go this time. It was great, Caleb got some mommy-time without the competition. He and I had a couple good talks. He blossoms with curiousity, good behaviour and conversation when he is by himself. Joshy had a great time with his grandparents. He went swimming, played, napped, and of course ate. He was very communicative, not necessarily talking, but he is expressive! Caleb wanted to stay with Grammy and Papa the minute we drove away without Joshy, but maybe next week since it is Spring break and thus no preschool. I know that Caleb has had great times with Grammy and Papa Dahl for 4 years, but he is getting older and when this September comes he is going to have to go to school. Joshy will get lots more time with Grammy and Papa soon, which is great because he is an ever changing boy with such a unique personality... and STRONG personality. A joy and a test of wills sometimes.

Well, Easter is this weekend. I have a bit of preparation to do so that the kids will have a good time. One of my best childhood memories about Easter, (other than the greatness of Jesus, His sacrifice for our sin and Resurrection), is on Easter morning is the trail of jelly beans leading down the hall and to our own baskets of neat treats. So I have a few things for the boys, but I have to source some food coloring-free jelly beans. It's hard to have a great trail of yumminess without jelly beans. I'm looking forward to filling eggs with verses and other neat things, and then of course hiding them. Until then, tonight I will be dying eggs with Caleb. Finally, the nakedness will make sense with all the dye in little cups that of course are easily spilled... what better to wear than nothing to prevent stained?!

I think tomorrow I am going to drag the kiddos to the Monroe Fryelands park and participate in the city's egg hunt and other activities. It should be fun, although it might be difficult because Mike is working and I will then have two kids to help have fun all by myself. But I think that the fun will be worth it. Maybe we will walk to the park to prevent a parking crisis.

So this weather is kind of shocking huh? Over 80 today, yet snow on Monday! (It was think monday right?) Well, spring is here, let's enjoy.

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