Saturday, July 12, 2008

Just a mellow Saturday.

The sun was beautiful today. The kids played outside. And the warmth was a perfect excuse for popsicles. The pool was filled and jumped in, the hose was a source of fun and frustration. The swingset is the priceless structure for "spiderman". Caleb insisted that we call him Spiderman today when we was dressed in the spiderman costume. And since Caleb was in a costume, Joshy (aka. Parrot) also needed a costume. The Buzz Lightyear costume did very well for him. I took a picture of Buzz and Spidey climbing on the swingset today. Joshy is getting really good.... and Caleb even better (he can reach the top and almost *yikes* get on top of it).

Of course there were moments of owies. Caleb made me laugh out loud when he ran the house yelling "man down" repeatedly. He had to stop and say in an exasperated tone "mommy, (huff) that mean Jockey's hurt." (I didn't hear tears or crying so I knew Caleb was being more dramatic than the situation warranted, thus I could allow laughter rather than prompt serious response.)

With all the sunshine, it is really hard to keep clothes on Jockey. Don't get me wrong, I do put them on him, but he is an expert at undressing. Well, I figured that means that we'll have to try hard to potty train him if he isn't wearing clothes. So the little potty is now outside on the patio, because I caught little screwball using the great outdoors. I figured closer is better. Well, the kids always seem one step ahead of me... Joshy came inside a while later and peed onto the backboard of the basketball hoop (it was laying on floor). I caught myself yelling "Go to your room, if you're not going to use the potty then I only want pee on your floor." (Yes, I'm on "happy pills".)

Our "new" (new to us) air conditioner is the laundry room with a fan blowing the cold air into our TV room is amazing. Such a blessing. I got the AC unit off of craigslist for $60 (they bought it new for $170). It is great and the family room is now an oasis that the dogs, kids, and adults can enjoy together. In fact, I'm using the lap top to type right now from this very oasis.

Mike is going to go fishing tonight. The kids and I are staying here. Auntie Brittany might be coming by with Emily later.

Also, I should mention. The kids are really into non-fiction books from the library. It started with a book Daddy grabbed with Caleb while we were all there just picking up other stuff. Then it expanded when Caleb came into our room one night and was "scared" and he had several questions about spiders. So I told him that we would get a book and find out the information that he wanted to know. Which we did. Now we are getting all sorts of books, non-fiction, and mostly about animals. Caleb has really surprised me with his listening skills. Normally, he would look at a couple pages and wander off. But he is really paying attention. He really is learning and asking questions and forming understanding and opinions. I haven't found the books about bats, giraffe and hippos, but I will. Joshy is really trying too. He has always had a greater attention span, but now he is asking questions too. I'm really quite happy with this developement in their lives, which I'm turning into a nightly routine.

Well, that's it for now. I have to go and eat something before my tummy is too empty and the pills on and empty tummy make me sick.

More later. as things come up.

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