Monday, July 28, 2008

Welcome back from the weekend!

The kids came back from Grammy and Papa Dahl's house yesterday. They had a really great time. There were lots of stories of parks, bike rides, swimming times. Joshy was willful, big surprise, but had a potty success. Caleb a newbie on the bike improved even more. Joshy is putting his head under water more and more, and Caleb is swimming into the middle of the pool without a problem.

I got some nice things done: a job, scrapbooking, visit with Brit, grocery shopping, laundry, packing, a little sleep, a little reading, a short garage sale (still have lots to get rid of). I tried to use the time to the optimal benefit.

Life is just whirling by. I have 95% of the clothes packed, and now I'm on to toiletries, shoes, and comfort items...dvd, toys etc. I have a few errands to run today and then back into the swing of packing. Tonight the boys and I are going to run out to Grandpa Bill's house for dinner. And if I get back in time to finish 98% of the packing, then I will take the boys to library time tomorrow morning at 10:30am to get a little activity time in before I have to head to the airport via meeting up with Grammy at 12:30 to drive us down to the airport. Busy busy. But it should all work out. I'm a little nervous of having such a late flight, never have done a 3pm flight before, typically I try for a 1 something flight and get the boys to sleep ont he plane.... not this time, so I'm crossing my fingers.

So that's it in a nutshell because I really do have to get going. I'll try to update from California.
Have a great week.

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