Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A little catch up here...

The first day of school. After the orientation days, the kids were very confident; joshy was even more ready that Caleb. Joshy was off and running without barely a look back to see where we are. He knew the routine of washing hands and then going to class without being told. He sits really still and in awe during story/singing time. Although, 2 days into school, and I can see he's learning "boy" behaviors from the other boys. Silly stuff that fills in empty time before the teacher's structure takes over... pounding yourself in the head with your own fist while saying ahlaahla. Boy stuff. Most ironic, Josh's nickname is finally becoming useful not just cute. There is another Josh in the class and he most definately goes by JOSH or JOSHY, so I told the teachers that my guy answers so Joshua (actual that was his choice for the name on his b-day cake) and he also answers to Jockey. Well since Jockey is so much different than even Joshua, there would be no confusion by the boys or the tongue slip by the teachers... so officially JOCKEY is his name at school, and so it begins. The teacher tried it out and sure enough, he answered to jockey when she called out on the playground. Also, it's important to note, he has not worn a diaper/pull-up yet to school, or during the day for that matter in over 2 weeks. I keep holding my breath waiting for the day that I get the call to come and get him because of an accident. So far so good, especially when I ask him, make him try, and told him that if he had an accident they would kick him out of school. (I know a little dramatic, but he's insisting he's a big boy.) But like I said, so far we are doing great!

Caleb was excited and just a little unsure because it was all new... orientation day did NOT have so many kids and parents and cars swarming! But we took the time to get out of the car and walk him over to the playground and stayed until the first bell to make sure he heard it and knew what to do. Parents are not allowed inside the playground or school without stopping at the office for a guest badge, so we had to wave good bye when it was time for school to start. He did ok, obviously, we got him back in one piece at 11:25 the same day. And the days since we are trying to streamline the drop off and pick up process, as well as getting in the habit of doing homework. I've found that it is fastest to do the drive-up pick up. Parents stay in the car and they bring the child to the car. I started thinking about it, and it's all new, they don't know Caleb well yet, let alone me or my car on sight... so like the airport, I made a sign with his name on it and now put it in the window of my car so that the teacher/principal/couselor can see it from 40 feet away and get Caleb fast. They saw it and thought it was a GREAT idea, I told them I didn't know why they didn't recommend it to everyone. Caleb can even recognize his name on the sign, too.

Also, since there is a concern about getting all the way over to Joshy's school on time, I made arrangements with another mom (Caleb's friend Alan's Mom). She has to hang out from 11:30 to 11:45 because her two kids release at different times (Annette is in Joshy's class, & Alan is in the same school); Claudia generously offered to take responsiblity for Joshy for any incidental minutes of time lapse between the Joshy's release and my arrival. I was very grateful and right away discussed it with Joshy's teachers and put Claudia on the "Ok to pick up list" for legal reasons. I'm relieved that I have a back up plan in place on the off chance that something arises with Caleb or I'm at the end of the line picking him up. And yesterday, I was on time, but we also stayed to play and waited for Alan to get out of school so that Caleb could play with Alan for a while too. Hey, it's sunny and other than lunch, I didn't have anything planned. I should be flexible and allow these small joys in the boys' life.

Shooter rabbit has become a fixation of Caleb. Caleb begs to be allowed to play with the rabbit and hold it and feed it. Since the rabbit and the dogs aren't exactly on cuddling terms, the times or methods of getting safe time with the rabbit are limited. Inventiveness had to answer that conudrum, Caleb now sits inside the big dog run, in the grass with Shooter. It's big enough for the both of them, and Shooter gets to nibble on the grass and clover. Caleb's "rabbit herdsmanship" skills are doubling each day. He just might be ready for 4H soon, we are looking into all that 4H involves. Joshy, of course, loves Shooter, but he has not learned to hold still and let the rabbit come to him. He loses patience and tries to pick up the rabbit in all sorts of ways, none of which makes the rabbit feel safe or desiring of being held. Shooter comes into the house at least once a day to hop around and explore. He has a litter box, which he uses, but there is also such a thing at rabbit markings which means he drops a pellet for scent purposes (it's almost like he leaves a trail to find his way back home by). And I'm not going to lie, we have had to purchase Nature's Miracle for other accidents. On the bright side, Shooter is cuddly when everything is calm, he will "relax" which means he lays on his side without his feet under him ready to run. He relaxes next to the tv, or even right next to us on the couch. Shooter is also doing a circling behavior which means he's in bunny love... he circles me. We are reading all sorts of bunny behavior and training books to understand this new little guy. We'll get the hang of it soon.

Mike is feeling better after 5 days of illness, and so far (crossing my fingers, toes, and eyes) none of the rest of us show signs of being sick!

Awana starts this week. I have a parent's night at Jockey's school tonight. Yesterday was my first day without both kids and it made me see a dim light of free time, enough to consider perhaps taking on some form of involvement with MOPS; MOPS is having trouble getting going because of lack of leadership... it meant so much to me that I'm willing to be involved to have that special time 2x a month. We'll see.

So that's the last few days in a nutshell.

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