Wednesday, September 03, 2008


We have had both Joshy's Jitters Day and Caleb's Orientation Day.

Joshy was excited that he finally was able to do all the things that he had seen big brother do before, but in the past he'd been held back from. He went right into the Jungle room past everyone and started to play. I had to lure him out with finding his cubby to hang his jacket. Then we ran down and saw the all important POTTY room and washed our hands. Then we went into the coveted art room where Joshy was thrilled to paint! Also, they have a nice bin filled with rotating mediums (rice, seeds, sand, water, etc.) that he was finally allowed to scoop, dig and bury items. It turned out to be a potential "drop off" day, I had thought that it was a parents stay day. So with many things to do, I asked Joshy if it was ok to leave. "Yeah". I introduced him to his teacher (the person he has to ask to use the potty room) and then set him down. I said, "Ok Josh, we're going to go now, see you in a little bit"... I don't think I even got a good bye he was so engrossed with the various things to do!

Caleb's Orientation was today. We drove over and found his room, introduced ourselves, got name tags and found his seat in the class. While he colored, I had paperwork. Then it was time for the teacher to tell us about his HOMEWORK for tonight, then we had an activity that found different sites in the class for the backpacks, the cubbies for papers, the bathroom, drinking fountain, and the "Meeting Place" (carpet for reading, singing songs, listening and chatting.) Then it was off to tour the building/office/playground/recess bathrooms/outside line up and parent pick up locations. The tour ended where the kids get picked up outside, and Caleb kept saying he felt like he got kicked out. I had to convince him that there was nothing else to see and the teacher really did want to see him tomorrow. Caleb showed signs of what I'm fearing most: NOT Listening! GRRRRrrrr. At one point, the teacher said "Ok, Kindergarteners, you can come over to the meeting place and we will read a story." All the kids but Caleb and one other went over and sat down. Caleb was too engrossed with a pencil sharpener to pay attention. I actually had to stop him and ask him to look around and ask him what he thought he should be doing, where was everyone. "I don't know". I'm just shaking my head and to be honest, dreading yet expecting the hours that I will have to sit in a tiny chair going to Kindergarten for the second time in my life. (Dear Lord, please please don't make me go through kindergarten a third time.) On the biright side, the teacher is very nice, seems to manage the number of kids well, appears organized and explains things clearly, also, she appears receptive and cooperative from a parenting standpoint. Of course, it is just the day before the first day of school, the action hasn't started yet! Caleb has been given homework too. 15 minutes of reading with a parent for 20 days of the month, 3 activities each week to choose off a handed out sheet, and additional math games/activities. Since Caleb doesn't read, it sounds like PARENT homework to me, reading, getting supplies, making sure it's completed, initialing off the items.... At the end of his high school, I want a second diploma.

So that's the last few days. Tomorrow is the actual, real live, FIRST DAY. And it will be tight. Drop off for Caleb, is between 8:40-8:50, drop off for Joshy (T/Th) 9:00, which is manageable.... BUT, pick up for Caleb 11:25-11:35, pick up for Joshy 11:30. CLOSE, really close. I think I'll put a big sign on my car saying which child I'm there to pick up so that it goes faster (since they bring the children to the cars if they are in the line up drive through.) And I'll have to explain the situation to Joshy's teacher. I'll just have to do the best I can.

And of course, Shooter bunny is still at the forefront of the boys' minds. They can't get enough time petting him. We went online, printed off a copy of all the safe and unsafe things for the rabbit to eat. Then we toured the backyard and looked at all the things that we had and instructed the kids on what ok or that will hurt their bunny. The good thing, our back yard had loads of yummy weeds: dandelions, clover, big grass, even blackberry. And yummy planted strawberries, raspberries, blueberries. The bad thing: we have pervasive problems with Buttercup. It has a root system that is stubborn and prolific, and worst, it looks similar to strawberry leavse. And we also have hydreagea (maybe, or it might have died) and rhodies (although they are looking too healthy either) so maybe their risk will go away on it's own. While we were told that the bunny wouldn't seek out the things it knows are bad, we are trying to head off what is stuck into his hutch through the mesh. So for the bunny's sake, NO strawberry leaves and no buttercup leaves. And the boys seem to be doing ok, so far cross our fingers, with their horticulture skills. And we are either on our way to a plump bunny or one with the runs. And I'm very excited about the fact that there are several things that we have either in the yard or in our refrigerator that he can have.... we are half way there to a "natural" fed bunny!

We allowed Shooter to run on the floor today of the TV room. He rubs his chin on things to make it his own territory, he will approach those who hold still and even circle them (a sign of love), he has a litter box (AND HE'S USED IT!!!), he does a little run and a four off the floor leap every once in a while. Lastly, I'm relieved to say that he even relaxes enough to lay fully stretched out tummy on the ground in the shadow of the TV with the cool laundry room draft rushing over him (he tends to get a little warm in that room with the doors shut and the sunlight beaming in.... wait until winter it will be perfect.) He is turning into a little love, but doesn't like fast movement, crunchingsounds, being grabbed at, etc... but would you? Mike made him some chewing toys out of seasoned wood. And he is getting along well. I just wish the dog's interest would wane... ALOT. We'll work on it. Today, Shooter had a special attachment to Caleb... or it could have been the apple that Caleb was holding and eating when Shooter was out.

So that's it for today. I'm hoping to get a few pictures of the boys on their FIRST days at school, and will do my best with the drop off/pick up times as they are! Until next time, have a great day!

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