Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I had forgot to mention about the fall carnival that we attended. The boys had a very good time. They ran around excited, they jumped in the bouncy houses, they played all the games that they could find. They of course got candy. But other than the mundane happiness expected of such an evening... there was a hilarious unexpected item. Joshy would win that they would give him candy. Occassionally it would be wrapped in pink or swirly red, he would say "That's girl candy" because of the pink wrappers. I thought that that was cute and worth remembering.

Also, last night during the election. Mike and the boys were watching the tv. Caleb said, "that guy has big ears, and that guy has big ears, and that guy.... Daddy, are we electing elves?" I thought that was soooo funny. McCain didn't win (not that he was ever my very first choice, I'm truly a liberatarian, as little government as possible type of person), but at least I WON at Bingo!!!! Can't will them all, but at least the $ will help pay a little of the rising taxes to come. Or optimistically speaking... Christmas presents.

So have a great week. I'm certainly busy with my job and going camping for the weekend!


Kristina said...

Krystal, if you want to check out your new taxes under Obama there are some independent websites to calculate the tax. Check out to see. According to that site, we will get about $480 - hurrah! I'd take $500 extra right now. :-)

Kristina said...

Also, the official Obama website is - it calculates I'll get a $1300 tax cut, which would be even better. :-)