Friday, January 09, 2009

So it's the end of another week. Already the "new year" seems to be whipping by and going so fast.

The CA trip was good. The boys got to have a good deal of fun between running until they dropped at McDonalds and TWO visits to Chuck E. Cheese. The played with new action figures and nerf dart shooters, you'll never know all the places that those dart stuck!
They had a good time helping Grandma and Papa Bishop open the presents we brought down. And they cuddled a bunch as we watched some rented movies.
The plane rides were uneventful MOSTLY, a little bumpy on the way back... but the boys slept through it.

We plunged right back into the routine of school and work. Caleb attended school Wed and Thurs and I worked Thursday. We even made it to Awana last night. But then the FLOODING in the area sent our schedules askew once again. School was adjusted to Two Hours late, which cancels AM kindergarten AND it in turn cancelled MOPS for me. But I still got out to work today while Mike watched the boys.
So we are going to enjoy a safe and warm at home rest of the day. And we'll see how the rest of it all goes.

I'll try to get pictures up soon from the trip and anything else that's good.

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