Monday, February 09, 2009

Another week has begun... with a little of the white stuff.

Yes, we have a trace amount of snow lining our grass this morning. Nothing on the roads fortunately, which meant that school was on schedule. The sky is now a crisp blue with just bit of white clouds beginning to roll in. I checked and we aren't forecasted for more snow, but we can always hope! Tuesday night/Wednesday is good for me.

Caleb and Joshy were excited about the snow, and I can be that this afternoon is going to be an outdoor, wet, cold and fun kind of day followed very closely with hot cocoa and naps... Sounds like a great day to me!

Joshy (unfortunately) is beginning to follow in his brother's footsteps. Since we began to take the pacifier away, he has begun to suck his thumb. sigh. Just when you think, hey we did ok with this one, we can ALWAYS take away a pacifier, he switches and gets ahead of us. Why don't these kids come with a rule book?!

Speaking of rule books....

Last Friday was MOPS. It was probably one of the most impactful topics (for me) to date. Basically it was on reinforcing/affirming the Nature of our Child. The nature of our child as defined by their gender. The long story short, reinforcing and stregnthening their gender defined role to increase self-awareness and self confidence. For me, I paid attention mostly to the boy specific details being as that is most applicable in my life. What I came away with has given me insight to boys, and a little bit of grace for their stupid actions.
Boys should be trained up in a manner that will form them into good men. Good men are Priests (spiritual leaders of the house), Providers (of more than just financial) and Protectors (of all aspects: emotional, social, psychological, physical, etc). Because of these future roles they will behave in ways meant to develope these aspects of their lives.
Jumping off the couch is not mere an attempt to disobey and annoy Mom (please note, mom is a girl and it isn't built into her the need to do this). Jumping off the couch is a way for boys to conquer and explore. Conquering the couch is a boy expression that developes them into courageous protectors. Understanding this, I can change my perspective and be a bit more graceful and less high strung. Boys will turn everything into a weapon, it is a natural expression of the wish to protect. Granted they need direction with in that activity that will prepare them for the role.
These boys will need to be trained to be "gentlemen", not because women are able to open a door or walk on the correct side of the sidewalk... but because it affirms, rather than contradicts, the boys nature to protect (and women will inherently feel protected by these actions).
As married men, my boys will have to be the leaders of the household and ensure the spiritual wellbeing and growth. This has to be modeled to them. HOW to do this role. Pray with the children to teach them HOW to pray, and often to teach them to be in the habit. I must pray for my children of course because I can't do this on my own. They will need to be taught HOW to study, How to pursue God's will, How to living in the morals the Bible teaches... and to be strong enough and wise enough to lead others in these skills too.
And Providers, obviously there is the financial, but it is so much more. They need to provide environments where others can express themselves. To provide information, skills for care-taking, finances, etc.
NOW, I know how to appeal to their boy nature in their discipline and training. Caleb hits Joshy, now I say... that doesn't follow God's law (golden rule), that doesn't follow God's command to be your brother's keeper, and as family Caleb need to protect Joshy not hurt him. And then later in the day, Joshy hit Caleb and we go around the tree again... different boy. I know that I will attempt to draw to one of these three roles into my disscussions and discipline of/with the boys. They need to be following God, they need to be responsible for the care of others, commitment to providing for the tangible needs of their family. And as a Mom (and Dad MUST help too as the BIGGEST role model), it's my job to get these boys trained. I'm not just trying to get them through childhood alive and eating with a fork while sitting at the table.... It's a bigger job than just making them civilized. I have mini-men that need to know how to do it right.

Like I said, the best MOPS to date.

That's all for now, have a great week.

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