Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hello and happy Sunday.

Life is just clicking along here on President's Day weekend.

I passed another kidney stone (not as bad as Nov or July's, but not painless mind you.) In church, I was reminded once again of the blessing of the God-given/provided ways and tools to deal with this reoccurring event in my life. Sometimes God takes us around the same tree (aka, trial) because we didn't learn or didn't learn it all the first time, but sometimes we have to go around the same tree of blessing to be reminded of God's constantcy, renew our gratefulness, and see the depth of the blessing and provision for us. So another stone passed with a few bumps, and for those who are counting, that is 3 strained and caught in 8 months!

Mike and I have made a huge decision to register Joshy for a second year of Preschool rather than put him into Pre-K for the '09-'10 school year. He is chronologicially allowed to move forward, but after talking with other moms of boys with close to the cut off birthdays... and thinking ahead... It is our choice to give Joshy the advantage of being the oldest, more intellectually developed, probably still not ever going to be the tallest, most socially developed kid in his class. He'll be 16 when he starts his sophmore year (rather than just before Junior), he'll be 18 his entire senior year, and a full19 when he goes into college. We looked at all the advantages and there was just one disadvantage of having peer pressure to buy smokes in the senior year. He will be legally able to get a job, old enough to drive to it, he'll be able to get to more extra-cirricular activites/sports etc. I think we are making the right choice, although I had to face my selfishness in trying to get more time for me sooner and get him into Kindergarten in '10 rather than the pre-k he'll now go into that year. Once I swallowed my selfishness, I was able to see the advantages and started to feel objective about this choice. I do worry about putting that much more time between the boys in school/peers, but then again there's more time between having to pay for college for the boys now too. I do worry about Joshy sooo wanting to be a "big boy", but I really don't want him to be the runt in his class (more than just the inevitable physical). I think this is a good decision, and I'm hoping that the undeniable confidence in the decision will come the closer we get to it. If anything, I'll get to keep my "baby" with me longer, right? Does this mean I get to stay in MOPS longer too?!

So no school tomorrow, but lots of errands.... with both kids, sigh. Well, it can't all be sun and roses.
That's all for now, have a great week.

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Krystal, I certainly respect your decision to keep Joshy home an "extra" year, and have friends that have done the same. Susan's boys have July birthdays and she chose to start them when they were older, too, and is very pleased with the results. Jackson is as smart as a whip, and reads all the Harry Potter books by himself (he's just turned 9), and is an academic leader in his class. I think he might have started a bit behind if he'd started younger, but as it is, he's a star, super smart, very confident at school. I bet that Joshy will thank you when he's older.
And hey, getting an extra year with your baby is an excellent idea! They grow so quickly, don't they? I just want to grab ahold of these days sometimes and yell "slow down!" because it's hard to keep up with all the growth.