Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Back to school this week and all that normal stuff...

Except Jockey had a field trip to the fire station. I was torn between my desire to get a bunch of errands done without the cumbersome nature of carting around two kids, and being a "good" mom and going on the field trip. In the end, I was surprisingly able to do both! That felt great, and the additional list of accomplishments for the day was long and it was a wonderful day.

Jockey really liked the fire station. What does it mean when he asks two questions: 1) Do you have any trophies? and 2) Where is the kitchen? He did not want to walk up and touch the fireman after he got all of his equipment on, but he really liked climbing into the ambulance and the fire truck. Other than just showing the kids around, I really got the sense that they were trying to put to rest any fear of a suited up fireman... I guess in the unfortunate event that there is a fire, the kids don't run from those meant to help. For the most part, Jockey was really good the entire field trip, and that is a blessing, I was worried that he wouldn't listen and would be disruptive to the classes' experience. And, hey, no rain as we walked back and forth, what more could you want?!

The boys enjoyed their first swim lesson on Monday afternoon. And their second is this afternoon. They are really looking forward to it. Although, from what I hear, Jockey isn't very cooperative in his class and Mike will have to go with him this afternoon. And Caleb is the best in his class! This last weekend, Jockey stop having to just hang out at the stairs and can swim short distances. He says "I don't use the stairs. But Grammy is very important to me, cause I don't use stairs." Hopefully the swim lessons will give them both skills and a boost up for the summer ahead.

We've decided on a pool party for Caleb's birthday. 5/17 @ 2pm @ club's pool. I am cutting corners and made invitations so that it was just one less thing to spend money on. We are only doing light snacks and cake. And I'm trying to find inexpensive "favors" that the kids will enjoy. Still it's expensive for a party.
Of course, expense matters even more now! We traded in the red truck (plus additional funds) on a 2000 white Ford Excursion. It's ALL PAID FOR!!!! no payments! yipee. I had to give up over 6 months of my income, and the $ that Mike was holding for a present for me, AND the Tax return we were getting AND Mike has to work for about 14 hours for his Dad (probably something he would have done out of niceness anyway). BUT the benefits: 1/2 the mileage that the red truck had, rated to tow 9000 lbs rather than the red trucks 7200 (which was just about maxed by our trailer), same gas mileage as the red truck so no change there, the exterior dimensions of this vehicle are within 1-2" inches in size as the red truck so still the same parking, New tires, the red truck started ticking and clunking right after the dealership test drove it so that means something was coming down the pike, etc. But did I mention Paid For!! Mike questioned why I worked and what I was doing with the money, I hope this settles it a bit for him in his mind. I've also garnered a few promises/conditions (in written contract), that will ensure that we are better off than where we were before Sunday. The best part, I think God gave me the answer to the who nervousness question about $ and change which I hate: Mike has to go alone and he has to be so confident that he doesn't need me there to decide. Which in turn causes him to be more objective and meticulous in his perspective. As always, God's got the answers.

Ok, time to get the little buddies out the door for school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm back on line and FINALLY updated my blog! I was stopping by to say hi and hope you have a wonderful weekend!