Caleb was annoyed that I asked him to stop playing his Leap Pad so that I could take a picture he was "too busy, mom". But he gives that thing more concentration that I ever expect Caleb to give anything. That is until I borrowed a couple children's CD-Roms from the Library. I think that these electronic learning aids are just the thing to capture my little whirlwind's attention long enough to drill some learning into him!
The other very neat Christmas gift was a devotions book from the Small family. It takes an animal and tells a story/bio about it and then we learn either a good trait to mimmick or a bad trait to steer clear of and then gives the scripture to back it up. Caleb and I have been going through this and he is really LEARN!!! He spent all yesterday telling me he is a good boy not a Cookcoo bird (a very selfish bird.) It's funny. And I can tell him he is acting like a Wildcat and needs to control his anger and calm down. It's turned out to be a wonderful tool that he remembers and relates to. THANKS BARB et al. !!!!
P.s. I forgot to mention about Jockey and the funny thing about him on Christmas. He was opening his big gift from Grammy and Papa Dahl. He has seen this opening stuff happen a few times already this morning, so when it was his turn he knew what to do. He ripped some paper and trotted off to the garbage bag to put it in, and then he came back and ripped off some more and trotted off again. He was funny and yet so perfectly innocent in his imitation of what he'd witnessed all morning. I will tell you that when I got that jumpy house set up, he didn't even wait for me to get air into it before he wanted to roll and walk on it. And after than he was in love with having the air in it! .
Note in picture: Josh is STILL chewing on his toothbrush from his stocking! I should have stopped at buying just the .50 cent toothbrush. Or better yet, bought just a dozen toothbrushes for Christmas!
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