Monday, January 01, 2007


We had our family Christmas Eve party. The boys were absolute troopers and quite shockingly well behaved for having only had 40 minutes worth of naps that day. They played well, and loved to see the family. Caleb sat and said, "look all my friends came" and I had to tell him that they weren't just friends but WOW they were Family too! He thought it was neat. He liked to play with Matthew, Tyler and Nick too.
It was especially fun with all the extended family there as well. We had 4 generations on both mine and Mike's side of the family. From Great Grandpa Severson and Great Grandma Dahl all the way down to Caleb and Josh, and every one in between. New people (cousin Brady due in mid-January) and of course old people which was of course G. Grandpa Severson again at 92 (93 on new years, if I understand correctly.)

Auntie (actually Cousin) Barb got some Joshy time in, gotta love the baby reminiscing without the diaper changing.

There were grandparents' precious moments when surrounded by little grandchildren opening gifts, or just quietly sitting on their laps. (Caleb wanted a picture taken and I told him I would take one if he sat on Grandpa Dahl's lap). Then he wanted more pictures of him eating pumpkin pie, I'll mercifully not make you see him dramatically show how he eats pumpkin pie. I'll save that for the embarrassing scrapbook moments.

We had Christmas morning at our house. The boys had their stockings and that would have been enough for Joshy! He got a lightsaber (i.e. something to hit everything with) and a toothbrush (something to put in his mouth). He's set. And Caleb is crazy. He was really happy that Santa got him a robot. And he wanted to see if Jesus got anything because it was His birthday. I missed on that one. Next year I'll be smarter, but what does God need that can be wrapped and put under the tree? Good thing I have 365 days to come up with a good idea.

This is getting long. So I'll continue about Caleb in the next posting.

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