Thursday, January 11, 2007

Here we are together again.

We've been sick for the last week. Yes, Caleb got it first. Then Joshy, then Daddy and last Mommy.

Caleb now asks for medicine, and between the two boys I've gone through 2 bottles of the stuff. Joshy really scared me with a 103.3 temperature on Sunday night. I really had to fight to get that down fast. He did not like being stripped down to a diaper, washed with a cold wet cloth, skin cooled with a breeze (I blew on his damp skin). The Vick's he didn't mind, and the medicine he didn't mind. In fact, he thought that other than the wet wash cloth and his congestion, that it was play time. He would have loved to stay up and play in the middle of the night, and that is unfortunately the pattern he is now in... sigh. He has been such a good night sleeper since October, I just don't think I can go back to 3AM night incidents.

Good new, for the most part we are on the mend and finishing side of the flu. And PTL, it was NOT a Stomach flu. Spontaneous Yak on the carpet is not my idea of a good time!

In other news, WE HAVE SNOW! Caleb got to use his new snow shoes for the first time. I thought that he would have to be in the mountains for them to be used, but nope, he got to use the for the first time in his own backyard and in the neighborhood. We saw some kids playing in the snow at the park across the street, and he wanted to go and play with them. By the time we got him fully dressed for the outdoors, snowshoes unpackaged and on this feet, and daddy dressed, the kids were gone. Caleb was a little disappointed, and I was for him too. He was really looking forward to making a friend at the park, as he put it. I said ok, be nice and have fun... and he said, "Yeah, no hitting." Yup, new people won't be a new friend if you hit them... wise words. Funny, that that is how boys do often make friends, they run into each other and if they both stand up they are friends afterwards. I don't know why, but there you go.

Joshy is talking more and more. It is great. He always says phrases, with the exception of Mine! He gets frustrated easily, especially when he can't say what he wants. For being a bigger talker, he is less commnicative of his basic needs. He relys on his speaking and we don't always understand it. Caleb was extremely NON-verbal, but I always knew what he wanted with the sign language and pointing. Well, different kiddos makes life interesting.

Well, that's all for now. I hope all of you that have snow too are warm and enjoy the clean white beauty while it lasts.
Good night.

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