Friday, January 19, 2007

Just a little update:

Monday was Martin Luther King Jr day, so there wasn't a playgroup scheduled, but instead we were fortunate enough to set up a playdate with Caleb's best friend Donovyn. That was great for Caleb since he hasn't seen Donovyn since 2 weeks before Christmas. They had a lot to catch up on. It was interesting to see Joshy try to interact with them. Sometimes he was invited into the fort and other times he was the hapless victim to a sword fight. All in all a good day.

Tuesday was pretty mellow. Not much to report. Just the usual... naps, meals, keeping Josh out of the toilet.

Wednesday: No one showed up for playgroup, so we made other uses with the time. We visited Costco for diapers and Daddy for... well, Caleb wanted to see him. Specifically, Caleb wanted to go inside Daddy's work and give GG a hug and get Chocolate. GG wasn't there, but the Chocolate was, Caleb was happy. We were able to see Daddy and Grammy and Papa Dahl for lunch. Then it was home for naps.

Thursday: Daddy was home in the day time so the kids got to see and play with him. Our microwave broke, so we had to replace it, and that was the entirety of Thursday. Not exciting.

Friday: Mommy worked for about an hour. Then Daddy had to work for a couple hours. And since it is still Friday, we'll see if things turn up.

I have to tell you a couple things, one liners or a bit longer:

Caleb calls Joshy "The Eating Machine" lately. Which is true, he can eat us all under the table when it comes to Oranges, Yogurt or Oatmeal. At least the oranges have Vitamin C in them during the flu season.

This morning we were singing Old McDonald.... Did you know that there was a baby, Mommy and Daddy on the farm? The Baby says Wahhh, the Mommy says Go to your Room, and the Daddy... Spanks. Per Caleb.

Caleb is really into his learning CD-roms' from the library. He is learning a bunch, but now we are in competition for the computer. I'm trying to do work and he's trying to find "brill lights" for the Leo Lion and Reader Rabbit.

Well, that's all for now, I think Josh just woke up. The only other thing that I have to say is that I am considering preschool for Caleb. I am never going to be a social person, and I will not hold him back if I can help it. So I'm looking into the cost and days of preschool. Hopefully, I will get him enrolled quickly, but with a vacation coming up, I think it will be at least mid-February. Cross my fingers. I'm also thinking of Awana at the local Baptist church. He might enjoy that too.

So talk again soon, and have a great day.

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