Saturday, May 19, 2007


Tomorrow we are celebrating Caleb' birthday. We are hoping for good weather and are planning on putting up the jumpy house. I can't wait to see Caleb and Joshy on it. It's been 9 months since they have used it and obviously they have developed skills in that time that will make them use it better, especially Joshy. Caleb decided at the 11th hour that he wants a spiderman themed party! At 7:30 the night before! None of the stores have that theme in party accessories, so a couple small gifts will have to suffice. And some "Silly string" webs. (By the way, Grandma Bishop, your gift got switched to a Spiderman game for that V. Smile rather than the Toy Story.... I think you understand. And Thanks!) I'm fine with spiderman, but I am not ok with the inherent violence that comes with a "good guy" needing and "adversary" to fight. It's a fine line.

Joshy used the potty! That's right. And he didn't just use it, he told Daddy that he needed to and then they went upstairs and were successful. For a tyke that is great holding it until you're in the correct location! I'm so surprised. Although he has been facinated with putting on Caleb's big boy underwear. I have had to resort to putting them on over his diaper; it only takes a mommy once to forget that's all he is wearing for her to learn.

Joshy is talking even more. And he is even signing things too because we don't always understand fast enough for him. He's picked up "juice" in both word and signing this week.

The report on Caleb's Parent-Teacher conference: He is a pleasure to have in class, they really enjoy having him there. (Boy, did that sound cliche.) They have a check list that they sit down and run through with the child a few times a year. Caleb didn't have a previous checklist to compare for improvement, so I just had a basic report. Results: They hadn't seen any "self-help" activities, like zipping his own coat. So I will have to work on him on that. (At home we are working at other do-it-yourself things, mostly involving TP because I would much rather zip a coat up than that other thing until he's 6!) He knew most his colors, but not brown, black and purple. I know he gets black and white mixed up, but if you ask any artist, technically those are pigments/colors. I guess the Uno game he is in love with doesn't have purple cards. He knew some letters, bear in mind he came into the class mid-year and he missed all the previous lessons on those letters. Numbers, he can count 1-5, and they would like to see him go a little higher. Which is funny because this Tuesday he said 7-10 all by himself. So it could be just this one day the items he had the focus to display, which is like having just one snapshot out of an entire montage of pictures. The other thing that they wanted him to work on is cutting with scissors. They said that he held the scissors great, and moved them well, but when they drew a line on the page and told him to follow it, he was off. (mind you only by 1/2" at the most, but it is something they noted that he could brush up on.) We discussed that he is enrolled for a 3-day a week program for the fall which is classified as a Pre-K rather than just Preschool. I asked if he was ready for that and they said yes with full confidence. I was glad to hear that because I never want him in a situation that he is in over his head. They said that he likes a little girl Madeline. (Aka Maddy, is a little, red headed girl that Caleb asked me to help him get introduced to at school one day. She was sitting in the group and he wanted to sit with her. Suddenly some other little boy came up and sat next to her. That didn't stop Caleb, he laid down on his side in between them and wedged himself a place next to her and forced the other boy over. You go kiddo, don't let anyone stand in your way, go after what you want. And I looked at the teacher and she laughed and said that it was starting already.) So everything was great in their report. I did pry out of her, so it really isn't a huge thing if I had to pry it out, that Caleb gets very angry very quickly when he gets frustrated. Most of his frustration is when he can't put something into words, he doesn't know the words or just can't get the structure together to make the statement that he wants. He doesn't do anything bad when he is frustrated, but they have to say calm down lets take it slow and we will help you. I know what they are talking about because I've seen it here at home too. I'm not sure if it is a telling personality feature (like in the future he won't want to push through an activity that is frustrating him) or whether it is just something he is experiencing now since he doesn't have a full grasp of words and sentence structure.

Today the boys played outside. They loved it, and so did I because they took a break from aggravating each other and me. They went down the slides and on the swings and actually shared and played nice WITH each other. I captured this rare event on video so that I can remind myself that it actually did happen and that there is hope for it again in the future. The thing I thought was funny was that the neighbor's maple trees are dropping their seeds. Caleb shouted "Look at all these planes, look at the helicopters"; helicopters are what I called them when I was little.

Caleb is into pretending to be a pirate lately. (Thanks to seeing Peter Pan.) The problem is that he doesn't PRETEND to be mean/bad, he still hits and pushes his brother. I asked him why he was hitting and pushing and he said it was he was a pirate and pirates are mean. I told him that he could pretend to be a pirate but he still had to be nice in real life to his brother.

Joshy might be getting a touch of whatever is going around. He has a runny nose, which could be allergies. He has a few other things which could be allergies all by themselves, but in combination with each other and then a fever too... something might be up with him. But he is handling it well. It hasn't stopped him from getting up at 6:00 in the morning, and unfortunate by-product of our trip to California... or daylight savings and it's just brighter. I guess it would be cruel to make him wear a night mask, but I think about it every time I stumble into his room blurry eyed in the morning.

Speaking of mornings, it comes up faster than I know, which means I have to say Good Night now. TTFN.

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