Sunday, May 20, 2007

We have celebrated Caleb's Birthday PARTY DAY!

We had a great time and he really is VERY happy. I'll drastically paraphase the events because to be quite honest, I'm exhausted! FIRST, THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO CAME, WHO HAD FUN, WHO BROUGHT FOOD, and WHO LOVE MY SON. And and HUGE THANK YOU for your generousity to Caleb, or as he calls himself "P. A . S. Big Boy", not that any of us know what the PAS stands for!

Caleb decided he wanted a Spiderman birthday party. I had 19 hours (8 of which were sleeping hours, though I wasn't asleep anywhere near that much) to shop, plan, and decorate a newly themed Spiderman birthday. Today I feel like a successful parent because I think I pulled it off to my little Caleb's delight. He had a custom made Happy Birthday web, a plastic tablecloth cut into 3 banners, balloons (one of which was cleverly, if I do say so myself, transformed from a red basketball into a web with a spider on each side), a spiderman poster/game and spiderman toys as gifts (thanks in large part to the lucky finds at the $ store.) He was so very excited to see Donovyn his Best Friend and the first thing he exclaimed was Look at my Spiderman party! That excitement made it all worth it! They spend half the party running around playing tag or playing with the toys in Daycare... which is really wonderful that we have the day care to play in rather than penting up everyone in a tiny living room at our house. P.S. It rained today., so having this facility available was priceless.

Caleb really was smothered in Spiderman gifts, which a completely ironic blessing considering we hadn't really gotten the word out that he was into Spiderman. Some people just know little boys.... Thanks Uncle Mel and Aunt Rene and Donovyn. And Caleb is thrilled with everything else that he got and is in a dizzy whirl trying to play with them all at once!

Caleb finished up his party activities with a swim in the pool with Cousin Tessa, Aunt Kristina, Uncle Ryan, Daddy and Jockey while Mommy cleaned up. He had such a wonderful time, and I think it is safe to say that he will sleep tonight!

I can't think of all the details right now, so I'll just post pictures...

Caleb in his new Spiderman shirt.
Lastly, for those interested... The AWANA awards night is this Wednesday, 23rd VERY PROMPTLY (even come 5-10 minutes early) at 6:30pm. Caleb's CUBBIES class goes first so you don't want to be even a minute late. I am told that he will be getting about 2 awards. I don't promise individual recognition of Caleb, it could just be done as a group. I have to be there, and I wanted to give those interested at least the option to come if they wished.

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