Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Joshy's favorite words: Owwwwh, and Poo.

He says owwwh for everything. A good deal of the time it is because of a bump, trip, scuff, bonk, push and fall which would mean a valid reason for an owie, often an extremely minor owie. But then there are times that he just says it over and over. I can't figure out if he actually has something wrong that I can't see or whether he just can't think of anything else to say. He knows exactly what it is that he is saying too, and I don't think he's figured out how to cry wolf for attention yet. So I feel like I'm even more on call than usual.

The other word... well, I think that he just plain old learned from big brother. He's bound to have heard it so much that it just came natural. Now he says it all the time; in the morning from his crib he says that and MOM (and he is often correct), but then he says it out the window to the neighbors and the backyard. At home, I just roll my eyes, but out around other people, what do you do? I came up with a solution just this morning. I'm going to start making him carry around a Winnie the pooh bear (or anything). If they were crazy enough to name a children's character that, then I'm desperate enough to use it as a cover for the embarrassing vulgarity of my one and half year old. If I have to invest in shirts with that silly old bear or tie a bear to his hand I think I just might!

Joshy has also gotten VERY good at signing "More". It is his favorite word. More juice, more strawberries, more anything. He also discovered how to open the refrigerator this week. He then knew exactly what he wanted; he climbed up to the top shelf and harvested his own strawberries....again and again. I thought that big brother had been helping him all this time until I found the little stinker with his entire upper body buried in the frig as he dug.

I was going to go and get Caleb's 4 year old pictures today. I sat him down and gave him a haircut and everything. It wasn't until I was done and finally looking at his hair and how it looked on his face that I noticed a big bruise. It happened on Sunday at his party when he ran into a cabinet... I just can't believe I didn't notice it before I endeavored to cut his hair. But now I just don't think I want to immortalize a bruise in portraits. I have to wait until next week to get the pictures taken. I guess there is nothing to do but wait because (especially after the haircut) his hair just won't cover it.

So we don't have plans for today anymore. But that just means we will have to do something else...getting ready for camping this weekend perhaps. The plan is to beat a hasty path to Anacortes on Friday morning. Then of course, come back onto HWY 20 for some shrimp to eat around the campfire! Yummm. I hope there isn't rain forcasted for this weekend. I'm looking forward to poking around town a bit and just taking it easy.

Tonight is Caleb's award night for Awana. I know we have to be very prompt, but I really don't think that we will be there more than 20 minutes. I just want a good picture and a happy proud of himself Caleb!

So that's all for now. Have a great day!

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