Monday, May 14, 2007

Well, since you haven't been notified of any tragedy, then you've probably assumed correctly that we have arrived back safely from California. I don't have time right now to recap the entire trip, so I'll just paraphrase.

We had good flights there and back. We visited Chuck E. Cheese and the Chuck E. Cheese competition (John's Incredible Pizza). We got out for walks/bike rides to the park. We went to Funderland to ride the rides. We hot tubbed and watched cartoons. We were all tired lots, but we got some good time in and the Grandparents Bishop are now well versed in the the kiddo's crazy chaos filled and endearing personalities. Caleb came home saying he missed Sasha, mommy's aunt Sunny's little Chihuahau. Odd, but that is what he said.

Speaking of saying things. Joshy said "want your shirt", "Chuck E. Cheeessse", and "you have bum. Here. (and pat patted it.) Me bum here. (and pat patted his own." I'm shocked that he is saying these long sentences at 21 months! Caleb wasn't saying this much until long after 2. Joshy is also using a strong combination of signing and words to communicate. It is remarkable. He babbles alot, and then out comes sentences. He actually thinks he is talking all the time! Strangely enough, I really do know what he wants or is talking about most of the time.

Upon arriving back into town, I had to begin sewing on Caleb's Awana patches that he had earned so that he could attend that very same Wednesday that we flew back. He's very proud of his patches and he wanted them on his vest so that he could go to his meeting. He had has worked very hard to learn 5 or 6 additional verses to tell his teacher. She was very impressed with him, and guess what, he had finished the book! Before others even! He will have an awards night on the 23rd, I am told he has qualified for something; I'll find out more this Wednesday and let you know. Perhaps the Grandparents are interested in stopping by for this event. (6:30 on the 23rd in Monroe.)

The very first day back I had to take Caleb to Preschool, go to work and then go back to a "Mother's Day Tea" held by the Preschool. Caleb and his class sang songs altered to suit the event. They had prepared cards and special projects to say why they loved their mommys. Per his project, Caleb loves his mommy because she makes him French Toast, Pizza and picks up his toys. Is that a guy or what, food and being cleaned up after. He also made a necklace for me... If I was a clown, it would be the perfect accessory to my wardrobe. As it is, I will cherish it in a file with the card he made.

Caleb has his birthday party coming up, Sunday the 20th at 3:00pm (if you haven't gotten your invitation, sorry it is in the mail or I have emailed it to you, I'm running behind), but feel free to come. But as a result, I'm desperately busy trying to get ready, which is one of the reasons why it's taken me so long to post here. I'm trying to work diligently, so that I'm prepared.

Caleb's school has Parent-Teacher conferences this coming Thursday and I'm more than a little excited and curious to get a real chance to sit down and hear from his teachers how he is doing. I used to think that I would hate having to be drug into the school and participate in things, but I am beginning to see that that is not the case. Caleb is attending school so that he can be in a peer group, and I do hope that I get the report that he is managing well. I guess I'll know more on Thursday.

Well, that's all I have time for. I'll try to get more details from the past week up here soon.

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