Wednesday, May 21, 2008

So how is your week going?

Ours is pretty calm. We enjoyed the weekend for all it's sunshine. As the week has progressed more and more rain has come... which is fine for the freshly planted flowers/plants.

We would have gone for a long walk to the big park, but Caleb disobeyed and procrastinated for over 2 hours to pick up his toys, which backed us into lunch and then nap time Monday... I was sad because I was hoping to get exercise in the lingering dry weather of the week. But there are consequences to not obeying.

Tuesday was school for Caleb which of course he LOVES to see and play with his friends. And he and got a chance to chat. (I even got to peek over and see Brittany and baby Emily, a rare occurrence.)

Grammy Dahl came out and got Joshy for a little one-on-one time and he excelled and was joyful about that. He of course loves his Grammy and knows that she loves him. Most nights I tell Joshy I love him, and Jesus loves him. But occassionally I ask him who loves him... Without fail Grammy is in the top 5 (which is always a jumbled order, no favorites). I should also make a side note that Tessa makes the top 5 too, with a "Tessa love me Lots!". Anyway, Grammy pulled an amazing rabbit out of the hat and came back with the report of Joshy #2's in the potty!!! This is fantastic! Great!! Preschool might actually happen for Joshy in the fall! Thank you Grammy, because we've tried and he's told us over and over that he's "too big for the potty". Maybe Grammy's potty is the just the right size for our little goldilocks boy. They finished off their day with a swim with Daddy and Papa Dahl too. During which, Josh has gotten bold enough to dive under at will for 4-5 seconds on his own. This is spectacular; a stellar result of one-on-one time.

Today is more school, grocery shopping and the mundane on this overcast drizzly day.

Tomorrow, I work, and I have Caleb's parent-teacher conference to attend to. I'm looking forward to see what he's accomplished when his parents aren't around to "focus" him. And I am hoping to hear positive feedback on his readiness for Kindergarten. Although, Miss Cheryl is wonderful and accessible for conversation and comment just about all the time, so I'm not expecting any surprises really.

With the long memorial Day weekend, I have "jobs" to do outside of the home and massive cleaning to get done inside in preparation for Caleb's party. School buddies and a Dinosaur theme. Caleb's didn't pick the theme, although he is ok with it, but rather the $-store product availablity picked it. Should be fun though. But this will be my first "drop the kids off" type of party. At least that is what I think the other parents are thinking... I didn't know that when I sent out invitations. I didn't realize that that was the "phase" we are in suddenly. But I guess we are there, and trial by boy's dinosaur party... please, pray for nice weather so we can set up the bouncy house and feed them outside! Otherwise, I'll be tempted to coat my house in saran-wrap for protection.

So that's it for now. Happy Mid-week. We're almost there to the weekend.

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