Thursday, May 01, 2008

Dentist report.

We've got good news, and.... bad news.

Good news: Caleb is like the model patient. GREAT says the dentist. The Dentist is phenonminal, wonderful, enthusastic, positive, nothing is too much to over come, the location is a really fun place, kid movies in the lobby, free arcade game in the lobby, Caleb came away from it with a positive attitude bragging about all the toys/toothpaste/brushes he got. And there is a treatment plan, AND ****does NOT(yeah!!!) include putting him under general anaesthia!!!*** (I was starting to get really scared about that, it would be fine for me, but he's just too little, we don't know enough about his little body, and hello, I'd have to be awake for it.)

Bad News: I don't know all the details, it was hard to hear on the phone, and I did reach an overwhelmed point where I just couldn't take in anymore. (Did I mention I hate the general idea of going to or being at the dentist?) But, Caleb has several cavities, gingivitis, and his front tooth which has a major cavity is not just also chipped (from when he slipped getting out of the bathtub) but also dead/dying. It will take 4 separate appointments to treat him. I am not sure what caps are, but that word was mentioned. And the dying tooth will have to be pulled to prevent infection from spreading in his mouth. (I'm horrified at having him look like a jack-o-lantern until his adult tooth comes in!!!! I worry about this socially for him going into a new school in the fall etc.) And when it is all said and done, it will be roughly $1000.

His first appointment is June 5th... Daddy will take him, and I'll stay home and cry. Somethings are gratefully just a Daddy's lot in life. I breatfed and got bit and suck on into agony, Daddy has to go to the dentist.

I feel such immense guilt, self condemnation and embarrassment. At least I didn't kill the tooth myself, but why wasn't I closer when he slipped.... etc etc. I'm not in a good emotional state right now, I have to beg everyone not to make comments that might add to my self-loathing at this time. Wait until I'm over it and can just be flippant and sarcastic back, instead of morbidly crushed.

I'm going to bury myself in a hole somewhere. Caleb on the other hand is thrilled to have new things from the dentist office to take to show and tell at preschool.

On the brighter side of things, the sun is out and it didn't hail today.
I got all the cookies baked that I was requested to bring to Awana.
Joshy is cute and is taking a nap on Daddy (also sleeping) chest.
And it's almost time to get Caleb from preschool.
And Mops is tomorrow. (Maybe there I'll find some fellow compatriots to console me about the teeth issue. )

Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Krystal, my heart aches that you must face doing all this treatment - you're right, Caleb will be fine, but our mothers' hearts must ache.
We have friends whose children have already started losing teeth, and they're Tessa's age! Nina lost two already. Don't worry about happens to every kid around this age. Also, did you know I had FOUR front teeth pulled due to some infection when I was about 4? Ask my mom - I had no front teeth for two Christmases (I remember singing "All I want for Christmas is my FOUR front teeth" two years in a row). I survived, I don't remember being teased at all, and it was okay.
Sending you love from West Seattle!