Monday, May 05, 2008

Welcome back from the weekend. Hope it was good for you.

We drove up Hwy 2 and checked out a couple campgrounds that might be great alternatives to driving so far that Gas becomes cost prohibitive. I think we have some great prospects just 30 miles up the highway! (Kristina, you would probably like them too, we'll talk more on Sunday about this I'm sure.) I'm excited to have found a closer, cheaper (gas) and cheaper site fee location. Although nothing will 100% replace Anacortes, this is great for variety. And on the drive we saw deer, what more could we want?!

Caleb told me today that "Mommy, my dream is to have a dog that vaccums". I said "Yeah, that's my dream too". It was so funny, I posted it on the MOPS forum, to which one lady responded she'd also like a cat that dusts.

Caleb's Awana Awards night is this Thursday at 6:30pm. If anyone cares to join Jockey and myself in attending. I can't believe that the end of the "school" year has snuck up on my so fast!

The bouncy house has made it's spring/summer debut today. I gave Caleb a choice of going to the park or setting up the bouncy house and he promptly chose the bouncy house. So much for socialization, but at least the boys are happy. They enjoyed a lunch al fresco and everything.

And after the MOPS a few weeks ago, I have been feeling guilty of the using the paper plates because they cause waste and use trees. Until today, I looked at the package and the ones we have (and typically buy) are made from recycled materials and made to be biodegradable in a home compost (so no plastic coating/treatment). Of course we don't compost it, but at least where ever they ship it off to, it will decompose. So my guilt is assuaged on this today, because we are just not a house to give up the paper plates completely. Some days, using a paper plate is priceless compared to ugly looking, labor intensive appearance of another full sink of dirty dishes. When 3 of us eat at home 3 times a day and a fourth person for dinner, plus all the prep and cooking ware/utensils, dirty dishes can get out of hand fast.

I'm looking forward to this summer. There is so much to do. And I'm going to sincerely TRY to get out of Monroe on the bus and take the kids places. I really don't want the lack of economy in gas to cave us into the 5-6 mile square radius of our city. So perhaps on the free day for the Children's Museum, we can bus our hinnys out to Everett. Or even the zoo, although, I have to think that through with packing ever scrap of food, diapers, and we still have napping boys, how that will all work. I'm going to try.

Praise report because God is so good: Our microwave broke... However, we were happy to receive a $50 rebate check we didn't remember was coming; AND while cleaning off the broken microwave, I found a promotional flyer through our phone company that said we would get $40 off our phone bill if we just made a phone call (and allow them the chance at upselling). So I made the call, and yes, we will get $10 off then next 4 MONTHs bills! So our replacement microwave cost us $7 and change! That's God's provision for you!

Well, that's all for now.

1 comment:

Kristina said...

We're trying to bus more often too - I'm even looking into the cost of buying a bus pass to go "all" the time. Cool stuff!

We have plans on Thursday (our friends from Bainbridge are coming over) so we won't be able to attend Caleb's ceremony, but we'll be thinking of you.

See you Sunday!