Thursday, August 20, 2009

CT results, in case you're waiting...

The short version

1- No stones in Ureters (my theory, by the time they got around to doing the CT they had passed, but of course, I can't prove it.) However, that means they don't know why I'm hurting and having blood in my "output".
2- 2 NEW stones "on deck" sitting in the kidney just waiting to move, fabulous!
3- Due to a strong genetic background, they won't be trying to find out WHY I get these at this point, but rather will do a 24hr collection w/ lab work to try to find a way to slow things down. This will take upwards towards a month to get results back.
4- Once the results are back in a month, I will go in for a cystol*** (a bladder peek-a-boo look) and check for abnormalities/growths/scar tissue etc that might be causing discomfort/blood.

So that's the up shot.

Back to life.

MOPS in the park tomorrow. Moving Auntie Brittany's house this weekend. Jockey's Party. A Birthday party for Caleb to attend. Ya-da ya-da ya-da. Sun Sun. Hot Hot, have fun.

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