Sunday, August 02, 2009

I tell you the ocean/coast is the way to go.
Another great weekend in Anacortes. And the temperatures were about 20 degress cooler and still beautiful sunshine. So we left sunny and 70 and returned home to about 90 and sunny. Keep the sunny hold the extra 20 degrees please! It was a great weekend. And the next time over 100 is forecasted, I might twist Mike's arm to pull the trailer up to the coast so that we can hid out for the most of the heat wave.

The boys had a blast this weekend. Grandpa Dahl bought a boat trailer, added his aluminum boat to it and towed it up to Anacortes. The boys were treated to waves, surf, sun and CRAB. That truly was the purpose (and a general good time, I'm told) to the boating adventure. The boys suited up in life jackets and their training began on proper boat behavior. The sea trial was Friday and then Saturday they got to see what a crab trap can bring up. They were a little intimidated by the pincher claws on the crab, but all in all they liked the whole experience. Caleb got so worn out that he actually fell asleep in the boat. Jockey was a little unnerved by the jostling around, not that he said anything... but when I looked over and he had taken all 3 bungie cords and hooked them to his life jacket and then to the boat... I knew. We ended up with a crab feed of 7 crabs for 6 people. All fresh and delicious. The boys liked trying to steer, of course Caleb liked driving in circles. I went out too, but I admit to feeling like a cat in a thimble in an enormous salt water bathtub. But did I mention we got CRAB!
We plan to try again for crab in two weeks when we camp at Kayak Point.

This week the boys will be spending time with Grammy and Papa Dahl while I work on things here at the house. Specifically a charcoal drawing of the boys for the ESF. Then I work and have house cleaning to do to. Even while the mice are away the cat is busy. But they will have fun swimming and everything else. Tomorrow we will start with berry picking and playing at the day care facility. Then they are off and running.

Stay cool and have a great week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having a blast! I'm sorry I don't write often but know that you are on my mind and prayers. Hopefully we can get together soon. :)