Wednesday, May 07, 2008


I finally signed Jockey up for Preschool... put the $ down on it. Now I'm under the gun to really get him potty trained! Yikes. I feel like I'm racing a train to the crossing.

Caleb will be a Spark in Awana next year. And I'm trying to get a straight answer from him about which church he wants to go to. So far the best he can say is he wants to go where they will play games... like putting a ball inside a plunger and running around a circle without dropping it... HUH? Well, if that's the only criteria, why is this such a hard decision? I will have to find out costs of course. But the MAIN difference is the day they meet on; one location it's a Wednesday thing and the other it's a Thursday thing. The Wednesday place is a way smaller group, and might mean less social chances for Caleb and less Awana wide programs. But they are more low key, personable, and didn't require parent participation every month. The Thursday place is most likely more expensive, but more structure and participates/provides more activities for the Awana club, and will require me to be a parent helper. And if I put Caleb in Sparks, I'm going to be putting Jockey in the Cubbies... which means a break a break when I DON'T have to parent assist, but it could also mean I have to parent assist twice as much as I did this year (which was NEVER NEVER fun. I like my own kids most of the time, stranger's kids, not so much.) Big decisions. Jockey's excited though. And I told him that they want him potty trained too for him to go to Cubbies. It's 3 yr old blackmail, that's what it is. Potty training scheme #99b.

Tomorrow is the Mother's Day Tea for Caleb's school. He is still singing the song from last year, so we'll see what they come up with for this year. Should be good, and I'll try to remember the camera.

On a personal note. A little pat on my own back. Went grocery shopping today (in addition to yesterday's trip... savings of over $30). I went to the Albertsons today and bought $74(at the regular prices) worth of food for just $24. A $49 SAVINGS!!!! Thank you GOD, thank you special grouping discounts, thank you sales, thank you coupons, and thank you to Club Card discounts. A little happy success for Mommy and her tasks she's commissioned with for the household!

Ok, time to get on with everything else. Dinner, clutter pick up, laundry etc. Have a great night.

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Krystal, just a thought about the Awana classes, since you threw it out there...

I wonder if the bigger class would be the better one. Caleb would have exposure to more potential friends...and so would you! I have found that when I'm interacting with strangers' kids it's not fun sometimes, but as you get to know the kids over the year they won't be strangers, they will be your sons' beloved playmates and therefore special to you as well. Plus, it's a fun way to connect with other moms for you, and being active in the group allows for you to find natural bonding with the other moms as mcuh as with the other kids, or even more.

I support you whichever one you find best for you, these were just my thoughts because you're obviously working through your choies. I couldn't resist adding my $0.02. :-)