Monday, December 29, 2008

It's the dawn of a new week!

I have narrowed all my to-do's down to one priority in the next two and half days. Packing for California. Of course, packing requires processing laundry which requires putting away what I'm not packing. And to pack, I have to get the suitcases down. Normally, I get anxious and try to clean the whole house and get it show perfect and get tons of other things done too. Not this time. I just want to throw clothes into a bag and go. That theory seems to be what the kids already think the visit involves, so why make it more complicated. They are so excited. I told them again on Sunday that we are going to California and they were jumping around, hugged me and Mike, and squealed out thank-yous. They were told when we are getting on the plane; the excitement seems to have melted all their memory because the boys keep asking over and over when we are going. I hope that California hasn't erradicated Christmas as fast as they have here, because it will be neat for the boys to see it all lit up and festive.

Well, contrary to our usual pattern of lingering as long as possible in the holiday enjoyment and beauty, we took down our tree yesterday. Caleb was very sad about that, surprisingly so. I didn't want to take the tree down, but I'll be gone and won't have time to take the tree down in time for the free pick up day (yes, I'm frugal and like convienence, to a fault). So it came down. The boys helped some, but it was such a tall tree, eventually it required a ladder. Everything in th house is now packed away. (I'm even allowing next year's Christmas spirit to sneak in, I packed so that next year has one specific box to pull down.) Caleb helped carry everything to the garage. A good helper. The only thing left up is the outside lights. There is just too much snow and ice on the house to get up on the roof safely.

The boys have played and played and played for days. We haven't HAD to go anywhere so we have enjoyed the freedom of staying home. They are playing lots and playing well together. Lots of "clean-up" sessions though. Toys and "forts" make for a big mess often. Their forts end up being a pile of blankets and pillows that they jump off of the bed and land in. (That is if I can contain the fort's construction to a bedroom.)

The snow is still lingering on th roads and yards. The yard is still up to 6 inches thick of snow/ice pack. And the main roads were only just scraped this weekend by the city. Without being scraped, the largest divets and ice contrived potholes had formed. When I went to work on Friday, let's just say, it is a good thing I have an all-wheel drive car and my shocks work. The kids would have though we were off-roading and should be in the bronco if they were in the car. As it was the foot+ of snow on the roof of the car was jostled so much that huge hunks were tossed off with each rocking back and forth.

So now, a-packing I will go. And to keep the kids busy, I think they will have to find homes for their new pile of toys. Daddy wants his hunting rubbermaid bins back. If I'm ambitious, we'll go out and look at some stores' holiday clearance sales, you know, getting ready for next year.

Have a great week and a Happy New Year. We will try. This is the first holiday season travel I've ever done. And the boys and I will be spending New Years' even on a plane and arrive in California with just a scant couple hours to go before 2009 is ushered in. I hope the New Year brings new adventures.

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