Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!!

I hope all of your Christmases were fun, cheerful and safe.
We woke up and started getting things ready for the day. We actually had to wake the boys up to get them going today. They were excited about their stockings. They began to play with their toys and greeted our guests excitedly.
We breakfasted on our traditional Swedish pancakes with accompanying sausage, eggs and pineapple. The boys were exceptionally patient waiting for everyone to be finished eating and getting the kitchen cleaned up. We actually fit the table and 8 people into our kitchen!
So then it was on to gifts. What I liked most is the slow pace and the boys played with each toy and gave each toy it's due attention, rather than a massive and quick greedfest of opening. This Christmas could be summed up as "Merry Batman Christmas". Caleb got a little figure, a big figure, a car, a rappeling batman gun thing, a batman game; Holy smokes Batman, am I forgetting something batman? There were other things too. A DVD, board game, nerf dart target board. But he is in love with it all. The big challenge is ONE TOY At A TIME! Otherwise I'll be trailing after him every 10-15 minutes picking things up over and over and over. Joshy got a little bit more variety, but he did have a few batman things too. He really liked the Hungry Hungry Hippos, and well everything. He's played with everything in a rotating order. What I like most is that the boys have been sharing and playing together rather than fighting and taunting each other. It is such a nice peace that I can't describe the relief that I haven't had to mediate today. I'm crossing my fingers that it continues.
It SNOWED most of the day, until at least 1PM. It varied between light and heavy. I'd say we got at least another 2-3 inches over the course of the day. It snowed so much that Papa Bill, Grandma Judy, Papa Dahl and Grammy changed their evening plans. It ended up that everyone came back to our house bringing their entrees with them. We cooked up rib roast and king crab. Delicious. It was a pleasant evening of good food and good company. Of course, we forgot dessert... Well, it would have been nice, but perhaps our bodies are better for doing without.
Right now we are enjoying a wind down time. The boys are back to (or still) playing with their toys. Mike's crashed on the couch and I'm sitting here updating the site. I admit I'm little worse for wear. I woke up with a headache which only got worse as the day progressed, it turned to a dizzy and nauseous experience and sent me running to the restroom. I also crashed on the couch almost uncontrollably so... and woke up with my headache back to a dull roar and well enough to hold down the delicious crab.
An eventful holiday full of joy, snow, and family. It will take days to clean up after. But I also have to plunge into working tomorrow, cleaning up the house, and getting packed for our trip to California. Never a dull moment.
Merry Christmas to you and have a great rest of the week and weekend.

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Merry Christmas, Krystal! We are so sad that we missed out on the festivities with you. We had a wonderful Christmas, but it was definitely missing something, and that something was you guys. We hope to see you soon! xoxox