Friday, September 11, 2009

The boys have made it through their orientation days and their first days of school.

Caleb remembers little of what he did each day... singing and recess, nothing else. I really have to ask and ask to get information. I did find out that he saw several of this buddies at recess... which is good because I was afraid that keeping him in Kindergarten when they moved to 1st would cause a divide. It is now just like they are in different classes not different grades. GREAT, and probably the best because he doesn't have in-class distractions of his friends. Caleb knows the routine this year and I have every hope and expectation that he will do fantastic. And he knows several sight words in his reading and oral math skills.

Jockey: He plunged right in. He remembered that during circle time he gets a "listening" chair. Which turned into every other kid got his own chair. With a class size of 5, the teacher was ok with it because they all paid attention for the story. His class is bonding well already. His teacher said that she could tell that he has calmed a bit, matured over last year. And I think it will get even better when the summer wiggles are worked out and his routine is found. But he trotted off with enthusiam and that was great to see.

I've worked the last two days. I've cleaned out the garage and tomorrow is the garage sale. I have to promise myself that the unsold items will NOT go back into the garage!
Mike had ridden off on the motorcycle for a camping weekend with Grandpa Bill. He comes back Sunday.

So that's the update.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it all went well! You are such a good mom. Your children are very blessed!