Monday, September 14, 2009

Our first brush with poisonous plants....

I foolishly thought that we were safe from our children consuming poisonous plants. Nothing after six years.... Nope.
Yesterday we had to do a plant search on the web, and the a quick call to poison control to find out exactly what the effect would be of a single unchewed but swallowed berry of the newly discovered Climbing/Woody/Bittersweet NIGHTSHADE!!! Hello, nightshade. Why don't they call it death berry vine. Well, Jockey my mouthy son now has his name logged into the poison control system as one who tries imfamous red berries. Fortunately, he suffered no effects, but still.... We can apparently make it out of the woods alive and not eating anything wrong, but our own backyard has berries too tempting not to try to eat. Of course we didn't know this weed of a vine imported itself from somewhere. Jockey is safe and fine now though. PTL.

Jockey is obsessed with little stuffed animals. Some Beany Babies, but he really isn't particular. He loves them all. Even the ridiculous ball of "fur" called a guinea pig from McDonald's. His latest is that he found a "cage" for them and now he cages his animals to transport them because occassionally they bite and defecate in the house (so I've been told).

Also, both boys are in love with the Angel Wars cartoon. We saw the Messengers show on TV and they are hooked. I'm happy to have them introduced to a deep concept in such a way. I'll have to source the other episodes because it's worth building their understanding.

Ok, back to work.

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