Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Ok, we've done it.

We have Rabbit #2 and a new-to-us (craigslist) hutch.
A female, Rex, roan colored, soft like a chinchilla rabbit.

It took longer than it should to name her, but it is finally decided to be "Rosie" (like Caillou's little sister). It's suppose to be Jockey's rabbit, and he does love Caillou (a tv show for all of you not up on your children's cartoons.) Rosie was a better name than.... "Tony Stark's (Ironman) butt crack". Which was also the boy's idea. Her rich fawn/reddish so the name fits with that too, although I wanted to call her Bambi. (Mike wanted Trixie, so we were both out voted by the boys).
As a rex breed, she'll be just like Shooter although not a mini just a standard size. She is just as soft, and will be a little bit bigger. She is coming up on 3 months old and already the same size and edging up close on being bigger than Shooter. She is getting use to being handled and the noisy-ness of our house. Once she is in our arms she immediately calms down and holds still for long term petting (until she gets a bit to warm, then she stirs.) She seems to be loving her hutch which is twice the size of Shooters and has a built in nest box. It was a great find on craigslist and was able to be pressure washed to perfection. Jockey, the less suave handler, can reach over and pick her up too. Which is really nice since we are trying to use this experience as a tool for responsibility.
WHY? I know that's the big question. Off the top of my head, here's why:
*VERY LOW cost. The whole year will be under a generous estimate of $75 for the entire year.
*LOW, LOW maintenance, especially for this breed. A quick rub backwards with a wet hand and the occasional toe nail trim. That's it.
*their cage's large volume feeders and water bottles allow us to leave for the weekends without trouble (even less problems than the dogs really).
*their droppings is sooooo few, and all in one place, and technically perfect for gardens... less troublesome/burdensome than the dogs.
*no problems meeting other dogs/people like dogs do out on a leash.
*they are available for love, and then easily put away.
*we've placed them near our back door and they can see us and actually part of our lives.

So that's it.
I'll get pictures up soon.
Yesterday, I took the boys to the skate park to use their rollerblades and scooter; Caleb had a buddy over last night, and I cleaned up the back yard a bunch.
I have to go help Auntie Brittany move into her house now.
Tomorrow is blackberry picking (again, yeah, I know.) and an ice cream social with last years school buddies.
Thursday, I work.
Nothing until Sunday, another great day at the fair.

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