Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday. Garage sale day.

Doesn't it always happen that the moment you put toys out to sell, suddenly it's the most fun, most interesting, must keep toy in the world?! Well, Joshy re-fell in love with a Spiderman (missing his shooting webs). And I said, ok, yes I broke down and said he could keep it. I told him to put it in the house, came up with a good way to play with it in the back yard, etc. Well, he didn't do it, and 20 minutes later it was laying among the other toys and someone wanted/bought it. Joshy saw that and burst into tears and ran in the house. He cried and poked his head out again "I don't want to be your boy any more", the next time he poked out "you're the worst mommy in the world" and then "now we have to buy another". Well, I don't know about the last comment. But the others... I knew I'd hear them in life. And to show him that his comments were not affecting me... I laughed. If I had not expected it, it would have hurt. But I almost feel as if we've gone through a rite of passage. Of course this effected him greatly, so I made it into a lesson that if he had obeyed the toy would have been in the house, but disobedience meant that the toy got sold. I hope he learns his lesson with this small thing.
Anyway, I've been picking up toys all morning.... on my front lawn. Everytime I get them grouped together as the set they are, the boys undo all my efforts.
Caleb has been both helpful and embarrassing. He says things to people that I just want to hide under a rock when he says them. He makes comments to people about the things that they pick up and touch. "hmm, I think that you like that, maybe you should buy it." I guess he's a used car salesman in the making. Of course, when he is not doing that, he's climbing the tree above all the toys and littering leaves (and rotten plums) on everything. Thanks.
On the bright side of things, it is bright and sunny out, just perfect for having stuff all over the front yard. There is a campfire smell in the yard that smells delicious. I've unloaded a bunch of stuff. (Alot of it the bulky stuff, SOOO happy not to have to put it all back into the garage.) SOO much more to go though. I've made a decent amount. And a highlight was meeting a lady and telling her about MOPS and finding out she'd love to go, has a son to attends Jockey's school on T/Th, likes to scrapbook, etc. We exchanged #'s. Sound great. Our chatting covered a lot of topics and flowed well, I hope we have a friend in the making for both Jockey and I.
After the garage sale, we will get in touch with Grandpa and Grammy Dahl who are watching Tessa. The boys will have fun with her I think.
Mike is till away, safe and dry the last time I talked to him.
That's our weekend. Hope yours is going well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This cracks me up!!