Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The boys are being real troopers with all the changes that are taking place, and the new rules that are subsequent to the changes. Basically they aren't allowed in the living room/dining room anymore. They must eat in the kitchen or downstairs with us if supervised. NO toys anywhere but in their bedroom or directly in their hands. All their legos/knex/magnets toys (small easy to scatter) have been packed up. They are having to pick up every room before bed, keep their own rooms cleaner, the backyard has been cut down to just a few outside toys.
They are focused on helping us. Jockey has decided that he is a good worker and he loves to put the "mud" wall patch on the walls. I was surprised at how much he understood and what he was capable of. I did have to go around an scrap a little of the excess off, but his comprehension was great. Jockey does seem to stand a little too close to wet paint...habitually. Caleb wants to be involved, but doesn't always stop to listen for directions. He is helpful in getting the tools or items from the house that we need to complete a project. And he is a strong and helpful lifter.
The family room has been painted and just needs crown molding. The bathroom is ready for paint and then base/case molding, vanity/sink and toilet. This is the room furthest from finished. And then we have the odds and ends and the regular cleaning. AND THE GARAGE to clean out. whew!!!! THEN we will be able to put our house up for sale.
We still don't know if our offer was signed by the owner and taken to the bank for consideration. For that matter, we don't know if the offer was driven to the agent yet. So still waiting on that account.
Caleb is doing way better in reading.
Jockey is doing better in his pen holding, and calmness at school.
Awana has started and Jockey is doing very well. He's calmed down quite a bit. Caleb, actually I got spoken to about him last time. So we had a long talk about leadership qualities and the responsibity of leading people only into good actions. He doesn't like the idea of a mantle of leadership/responsibility... well, you get what you get, that's the way God made you.
Jockey asked today how God made him...successfully dodged that with "God grew you in my tummy" to which he responded "That's so cool".

Well, it's off to painting the bathroom.

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