Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Guess what Caleb is into now...

Well, a few things it turns out.

The first new thing is a soccer program for little guys. He liked it. It was lots of running around and trying to get along with other kids. And from what I am told, everyone is also potty training and after class they all trudged into the bathroom more or less together. I can just picture it now. Fortunately, Grammy took Caleb and I got things done like a crazy whirlwind. Boy does it feel good to get things accomplished. Caleb talks alot about Grammy and Papa Dahl and their house. And he tells me that he had a good time. The wonderful thing is that when he came home he hugged me and said that he missed me and that I was pretty. It is so nice to hear those things and know that it comes just from his pure little heart. He also told Josh that he loved and missed him too, ahhhhh.

The other fascination that Caleb has developed is with jewelry. He started talking about mine, and then he wanted to wear mine. When he started trying to pull my jewelry off my fingers or to snap my necklace, I decided that it was time for his own. Knowing that Daddy wouldn't like "prissy, girl" jewelry, I was delighted to find some that was suitable. I had to go to the toe rings because they start small and then you can clamp them down, perfect for little fingers. I got a Celtic patterned silver one. And at the dollar store I was very pleased to find a cross on a cord, also with a Celtic pattern. I'm not totally into Celtic, but it better than something that it pink and says "princess" on it! He really likes it. He takes it on and off and sometimes just carries it around. He puts the ring on his finger and then puts his hand on his hip and looks down at it to see what he looks like. It is funny to watch him develop his self-image and decide what looks cool to him. I guess that this is where it starts. I'm trying to let him discover things without my input (until he comes to an inappropriate conclusion... like putting the toe ring on that extra "boys-only" finger). That was the same day that Caleb announced to me that I don't have a "wiener" (Mike's choice word for the boys parts), Thank you Caleb for letting me know, yes it is a very sad thing that I'm missing out on, better luck next time.

Ok, so on with Josh talk.

Josh has officially been introduced to the Baby Einstein products. So far he has seen Baby Beethoven and Baby Bach. He LOVED them. He watches and talks to the tv. He laughs and coos and then watches some more. He really likes them. What a hit, and for me I got some housework done so I'm loving them too!

Josh is starting to do things on his own. He reaches out and tries to pet Zuma (who has a licking fetish for the baby) and Cosmo (who loves to have his ears gently tugged, which Josh is quite accommodating). He is impressing me when he takes his pacifier out of his mouth and then returns it with efficiency. I used to think that he was going to be left handed, and I was going to put that in the blog. But then in the last week he has really started to use his right hand, and use it first. So the bottom line is the jury is still out, but his motor skills are developing nicely.

Josh is also well on his way to starting to sit on his own. He can sit for a little bit, but then he just leans to far and topples over. So he can sit, but not without supervision. I think he is doing great and I'm trying to teach the skills for crawling too! If he is going to grow fast, I want him to be able to do things rather than be frustrated with boredom.

Lastly, Josh's new Christmas toy. It came in a big box and required adult assembly. Well, it has been out and Josh likes it. It makes noise, lights up and it is quite colorful. He will be able to stand and hold onto it with in the next 6 weeks I'm guessing. The funniest thing however, happened a few nights ago. All of the sudden, just after midnight I started hearing the music start playing, which is quite chipper and noisy for the middle of the night. Then the cat darted upstairs quickly. The cat had gone down to investigate this new toy and moved something on it and it burst into song and lights. He must have gotten startled judging my the way he leapt up the stairs. It was something to laugh at in the middle of the night, but the most funny is that the cat goes down there at least every other night to play again and again! So it is the gift that keeps on giving.

Well, I'd like to keep telling stories, but my big guy is getting tired of me sitting here. More next time.

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