Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Well, that sucks for Mommy....

Josh deciding to only suck on mommy that is. Yeah, I thought he was going to be a bi-fed baby but no, he's a real deal dude. And don't try to trick him with the real deal in a bottle, he knows!

One of these days I'll have enough energy to get Josh on schedule during the day in order to force his natural clock to sleep all the way through the night... sigh, I can dream. Right now we are just trying to get him to fall asleep on his own. This is a stressful thing to let him cry while he figures out how. Caleb even runs in and wants to help by sharing his shirt and making sure to stick the pacifier into Josh's mouth. (Caleb calls the Pacificer and "ssfire".) An item for the list of "what I never imagined I'd have to say"... "don't put the pacifier in your butt".

Josh will roll over from his tummy to back any time that he wants to now. I'm still waiting for the back to tummy to be an all the time occurrence to call it officially though. When Josh did roll over I was sure to cheer for him, and Caleb was adorable when he leaned over and kissed Josh's head and said "Good job, Jockey Brother".

Caleb and I did a major craft project for the first time today. We did paper mache. He has so many little plastic animals, I thought it was time to build a mountian or something for them to play on. So, Caleb and I got very gooey and now we are waiting for the project to dry. He did very good, although he definitely doesn't like to have his hands sticky, dirty, or yucky for very long. He decided before we were quite through that he couldn't stand having dirty hands. Well, there are worse things than wanting to be clean! I hope that we have a good mountian after the project is dry and painted. But if not, hey I've wasted just about 15 cents of flour, water, and white glue. It was fun, and I'm glad that Caleb's mommy is a little crafty and can introduce these experiences to him.

Caleb made huge progress today in the bath tub. He LAID down. This has been something that I have worked on with him for MONTHS! He finally had the trust enough to lay down. He liked listening to me tap or scratch on the tub when his ears were under water. He did great and I'm very proud of him. Next is floating, and then we can work on floating in the swimming pool.

Caleb is great with Josh when he is nice. They like laughing at each other! It is so great to see the two brothers playing with each other. Of course, Josh's responses to Caleb lately have been to laugh, smile and stick his tongue out... which makes Caleb laugh more and the cycle continues. Caleb climbed up on my lap today and said "me brother Jockey". He's finally getting that not only is Jockey a brother but he is also. It's also funny that Josh isn't just Jockey, he is always "Jockey brother". And Caleb's new name for himself, because he is having some difficulty pronouncing his name, is "Big C Mickel" (as in nickel with an M) Mike started it, and it is cute.

Other strange things that go on: Caleb has started to pull chairs over to the counters of the kitchen and climb up on them. I caught him trying to use the sink as a bidet (forgive the spelling, but you know the french butt washing toilet.); he told me "me clean bum mom"...what was it that I said about being clean?!

And another item for "the list": "caleb don't put q-tips in Zuma's butt"

A breakthrough has occurred. We have discovered that Caleb doesn't like to have "TIME OUT" in a "TIME OUT CHAIR" especially if that chair is in the other room. He wants to be with us and he wants to be good. So when something is inappropriate and we have warned him, he sits in the chair and has it explained to him and then he can think about it. It is working so good. And he stays in the chair, which I think shows a sign of respect for the parents and rules. Cheers for success.

Well, I'm sure that I'll think of more things to write as soon as I click done, but I'll just have to update more later.

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