Sunday, February 12, 2006


Well, yesterday we didn't end up going to the movie. I don't like to let my kiddos dictate to me what is going to happen, but the balance of that is that I should lead from their cues. Josh decided that at the time that we would have to get ready, he didn't want to be put down, he wanted to fight sleep with a vigor that surprises. So in the light that we did have evening plans, and I wanted everyone well rested then, we stayed home so that the evening would be on good footing.

The evening went great. We celebrated Unlce Brian's birthday. If there was any doubt that Caleb liked Uncle Brian, the doubts were laid to rest last night. Caleb asked a few times to sit in Brian's lap. And then he would snuggle, cuddle, talk to Brian, and talk to Uncle Brian's Daddy, etc. He spent at least a third of the night sitting with Uncle Brian. He liked giving Uncle Brian the cookies that Mommy and Caleb made and frosted. Caleb liked giving the present to Brian. Caleb wore his baseball hat last night and said that he looked or was like Brian. He also had to wear a necklace like mommy and he had to wear his ring on his finger like Cousin Nick! He really is at a fun age.

Today we met Anthony and Leticia down at Daddy's work. Josh had never met them before, and it's been a while for Caleb. But the meeting went well because Papa and Grammy Dahl were there and they smoothed the transition and kind of introduced them to Caleb. By the end of the night, Caleb wanted to go bowling and leave with them. It was cute. He hugged them and everything. I love the love and acceptance that my little son has for people.

We also went to church today, and there is a very cute and poignant story and other things to say, but Josh has just decided that my time is up right NOW! So look for that update soon!
Bye. and Good night!

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