Monday, February 13, 2006

Time to step up my game as a mommy.

This is the posting that I eluded to last update that was coming and in the works, but held up by the needs of a precious Josh.

This Sunday, Caleb asked a question with child-like words, curiousity and innocence, but the answer has unfathomable depths. "Jesus Doing?" (Caleb doesn't use what yet.) We were on our way to church, and he asked what various other people were doing, and as we pulled into the parking lot of the church (where Caleb had been told we would sing songs to Jesus) he asked this marvelous question. "Jesus doing?" I answered "Jesus is waiting to have a relationship with us." I just love this. I love that he wants to know who Jesus is, that he asks (rightly so) like Jesus is a real person. That is so huge because he is starting to be accepting of a person that, unlike everyone he's met to date, Caleb hasn't met Jesus face to face, and yet he still is getting the concept. It's wonderful to see that cognitive skill in one so little. And is understanding and belief is so pure. He accepts that Jesus just wants to have a relationship with him. In Caleb's baby book there is a spot for "first awareness of God". I have wondered for 3 years (I bought the baby book before his birth) when I would know the first awareness, what that would appear like or play out as... I know and it is such a memorable moment.

Of course, this comes on the heels of another memorable moment involving Jesus and answering of prayer... If Caleb was filling out his babybook this next story might be the one he'd write. We drove to 7-11 for Slurpees (yes, our shared vice), and the machine was refreezing (i.e. "broken" in Caleb's vocabulary). He was very sad and he wanted me to drive to another 7-11. I admit to feeling a bit of a craving, enough to consider driving to SNOHOMISH! But on the way out of town I had to stop for gas. When I got back in the car, Caleb said "Slurpee fixed". I told him that we could pray about it. So we did; we asked the Lord for a silly request that we acknowledged had no eternal purpose other than to make His children happy, and that we would drive by the Monroe 7-11 again with the faith that if it was God's will the machine in town will be fixed but if not then there was a reason for us to have to go to Snohomish and we accept that in our lives. Caleb says from the back seat "Slurpee fixed", I asked him if Jesus told him that, and he said "yes". Would you believe that when we drove to 7-11 it WAS "fixed" (i.e. done refreezing)!!!! So we not only were joyful about getting slurpees, but Caleb and I took a moment to say thank you to Jesus. The whole 10 minutes home Caleb says repetively from the back seat "Jesus fix slurpee ma-sheeen". It was so cute and wonderful; I loved the lesson that I was able to teach Caleb in this.

Both of these stories were confirmed by what the Lord told me; Caleb has entered a new phase of developement in spiriual matters. The number and depth of answers that I will have to have about faith is now going to be greater. It is time to step up my game. I will have to be prepared, even if it is being ready to say "I don't know, Let's go find out". I am going to have to show Caleb more of how and to know the Lord. To be obedient to the Lord's tasking, I have purchased a real, although geared to kids, Bible; we will make reading it a priority. The level of responsiblity has just increased for me, and though I won't always succeed, I am aware of the increase requirements placed on me. I pray for wisdom, and grace. And I praise the Lord that Caleb is such an open, compassionate, teachable son.

Ok, I know this took a day or so longer than I intended to get posted, but it is here now. Sorry for the wait. Until next time.

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