Tuesday, February 21, 2006

We are a little under the weather today.

I woke up with a scratchy throat, but that is nothing in comparison to the stuff coming out of Caleb nose. And Josh didn't sleep well last night because of his congestion. If it wasn't for the congestion, I think that he would have slept from 10 to 4! And I missed it, sigh. I figured out about 2 am that he wasn't hungry but rather he was fussing because he couldn't breathe, then I elevated his head and he did much better.

Enough sad stuff. Since we were home, and after our second (yes, second) nap of the day we had a little fun! We colored eggs. We had a good time, and still wished for more but I had run out of eggs. Caleb did excellent, although I might try a different kit next time I go to the dollar store. Caleb liked sprinkling the eggs with the glitter. He loves to do crafts. Sometimes he sees it as a fun thing for him, and other times he thinks he is "helping" me. Either way, I love sharing the crafty side of me with him. A little part of me was afraid that boys would like this kind of thing and I would miss out having boys not girls... not true, and thank you Lord. It's too much fun to miss for Caleb too. And the dollar store is becoming a best friend with all the craft and kits and TOYS they have. I am able to affordable give Caleb special treats and surprises that he loves and feels love through, often because I get to take a few extra special moments with him to introduce the new thing. Time is better than the toy any day, I know.

Well, Caleb doesn't know it yet, but I have hidden stickers in his room for him to find. He loves sticker hide and seek, the improvised game from when we were delayed at the airport. And for the briefest moment I feel very organized with the game just waiting for him.

Caleb has started coming up to me and saying "me cowboy". I'm not sure where that is coming from. But the most funny thing, he has started to wrangle or lasso Jockey. He wraps his shirt around Josh and then calls my attention to him and says "me got Jockey, me cowboy". I hope this is a phase because of all the professions and decorating/fashion themes I'm least interested in, cowboy/western is at least in the top 3.

We are renewing our potty training efforts. We backslide a bit since our trip to California. I'm working hard at getting Caleb back in the swing of things. So far he doesn't want to use the little potty anymore, and he won't use the big potty if the child's seat is on it. As a result, when he uses the big potty, he nearly drags his bum in the water during moments of intense concentration. He doesn't seem to mind. I guess I have to go back to "what ever works" as my motto.

I'm eagerly waiting Caleb's hair growing. He didn't hold still for the last haircut, and let's just say that with what little growing out it has done...it has become more and more apparent that this was his worst haircut to date! Which is odd because I cut my hair on the same day and have the best self-cut haircut to date.

Big land marks!!!! Josh had his first rice cereal, solid meals yesterday! He did great. I think that was one of the reasons he would have slept longer at night, at least I'm hoping. I'm so proud of him. As long as I let him think that the spoon was a new toy to suck on, he let the food go in his mouth and then down to the tummy. Of course, a couple of times I put the pacifier in to make him want to suck it down rather than spit it out. It worked so great. Almost like packing the powder of an old old civil war era rifle. I was thinking, how come I didn't do think with Caleb... Oh, that's right, Caleb didn't ever use/have a pacifier, which would explain why Caleb didn't take to food and eating as well as Josh did yesterday. Of course, I should expect Josh to have his moments of reverting back to rejecting food. So I'll just be happy about the success right now.

And in case I haven't mentioned it... Josh is an officially rolling over baby. Has been for a month. And he is working on sitting up. He gets curious about something and reaches for it, then he just topples... But I hope that turns into a crawling position and ta da. Caleb never crawled officially, so maybe Josh will get that niche.

Ok, back to task with the boys.

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