Thursday, March 12, 2009

Still sick.

Mike's recovered. Last night was the first night he wasn't coughing up a lung and all his stomach contents.
Jockey though, his fever climbed to 101... hence, he did not go to school today. He's a little seal cougher right now too.
Caleb... well, he felt a little warm, but I'm going to check him in a little bit to determine about tomorrow.

I think we are going to skip Awana tonight. Joshy wouldn't be able to go, but dragging him back and forth in the cold/dark to drop off and pick up Caleb would be hard on him. Caleb's completed 97% of his book with 2 months to go anyways, so there is plenty of time to work on it.

This coming Monday, I have a regular progress teacher's conference with Caleb's teacher. I'm hoping that she'll report some improvement. However, it was discovered that he was 'copying' off his neighbors often in the attempt to 1-complete work on time and 2- correctly because he didn't want to be wrong or late. Of course if undetected, leads us to believe he's finishing on time, correct work when he truly isn't and needs attention/help or more time. Time to buckle down again and stand like a hawk over his shoulder and see what he can actually complete without help or prompting. And obviously, I have spoken with him about not looking at his neighbor's paper and instead raising his hand for help or saying when he didn't understand something. We'll see what the teacher has to say.

We are looking forward to a calm weekend with a bit of recovery for the sickies. And if we are recovered, dinner at Papa Bill's is scheduled for Sunday. So far, I'm not yet sick, and I'm still hoping I don't get it.

Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Kristina said...

So sorry to hear about all the sickness at your house! Tessa had that too - the barking cough and the fever. We went to the doc and she said that because her cough had lasted so long, she needed antibiotics. Within two days she started feeling better, and she's back at school...phew. :-)